新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程B1U6 Section B-Earn as you learn.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程B1U6 Section B-Earn as you learn.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2. endure (Para. 2) Dreams of a beautiful life make it easier for a person to endure difficulties. vt. be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining 忍受;忍耐 Translation: 对美好生活的向往能让人更容易忍受艰难。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 2. endure (Para. 2) endurance: n. the ability to continue doing sth. physically difficult or continue dealing with an unpleasant situation for a long time 耐力;忍耐力 enduring: a. lasting for a long time 持久的;不朽的 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting The long journey tested their courage and _________ to the limit. He ________ solitude and torture for months at a time. The friendships formed in her schooldays proved to be the most _________. endure enduring endurance Fill in the blanks with the words in the box, and translate the sentences into Chinese. endured endurance 长途跋涉考验了他们勇气和耐力的极限。 他曾经忍受过数月的孤独和折磨。 她在学生时代结下的友谊证明是最为长久的。 enduring Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 3. multitask (Para. 6) Alex knows how to multitask and he will help your team to accomplish many goals in a short time. vi. do several things at the same time 同时执行多项任务 Translation: 亚历克斯知道如何同时执行多项任务,他会帮助你们组在短时间内完成许多目标。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting Prefix Meaning Examples multi- A prefix meaning “more than one”. It can combine with nouns or adjectives to form new nouns or adjectives. multicolored multifunction multifunctional multimedia multimillion multimillionaire multipurpose Enhancing your skills Language highlighting Word formation 4. prioritize (Para. 6) You need to learn how to prioritize your work when you are given many tasks to accomplish. vi. decide in what order you should do things, based on how important or urgent they are 确定优先次序;分清主次 Translation: 当你有许多任务要完成时,你要学会如何按照轻重缓急来安排工作。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 5. mature (Para. 11) He has


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