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第 卷 第 期 吉吉林农业科技学院学报林农业科技学院学报
24 1 Vol.24,No.1
年 月
2015 03 JournaJournall ofof JilinJilin AgriculturalAgricultural ScienceScience andand TechnologyTechnology UniversityUniversity March,2015
刘志远1 ,匡 明2
(1.吉林农业科技学院体育部,吉林 132101;2.吉林农业科技学院食品工程学院,吉林 132101)
汁的澄清、各种原料及蔗糖添加量以及最优配方进行比较,得出酶解的最适条件为PH 4.8 、温度 45℃ 、时间5 h ,枸杞汁澄
清时采用0.1%单宁0.4 mL 、0.1% 明胶 0.6 mL 澄清效果最好,通过正交实验后,确定出枸杞五味子汁复合运动饮料的最佳
配方为枸杞汁 140 mL 、五味子汁 100 mL 、牛奶40 mL 、蔗糖 20 g ,所得产品富含营养,风味独特,有助于运动员竞技能力的
中图分类号: 文献标识码:
TS275.4 A
On the Development of Compound Schisandra chinensis-wolfberry Juice Sports Drink
LIU Zhiyuan1, 2
(1.Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University Department of Physical Education, Jilin 132101;
2. Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University School of Food Engineering, Jilin 132101)
stract : wolfberry, Schisandra chinensis and milk as main materials to produce a new kind of
Ab Took
compound sports drinks, by comparison on hydrolysis conditions of wolfberry juice, clarification of wolfberry
juice, the amount of all kinds of raw materials and sugar added, and the optimal formula in the course of
production. The results got that the optimal conditions of hydrolysis were PH 4.8, temperature 45 ℃, time 5
h, the clarification effects used 0.1% tannin 0.4 mL and 0.1% gelatin was the best. By orthogonal test,
defined the best formula of compound Schisandra chinensis- wolfberry juice sports drink were wolfberry