新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程B1U7 Section B-Rays of hope in rising rudeness.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程B1U7 Section B-Rays of hope in rising rudeness.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * Language focus Enhancing your skills Language highlighting Language learning Translation skill 这些报道中包括诸如此类的故事:学生因考试前贩卖大学期末考题而面临犯罪指控;一名学生因提交买来的、还夹着收据的学期论文而被勒令退学;一名职员用公司的邮资机来邮寄自己的圣诞贺卡,他在寄了一张贺卡给公司的财务主管后被发现!(Text A) 有时候,这种行为不只是言语辱骂。当一名餐厅的员工告知一位顾客两小时之内餐厅无空位时,这位顾客扇她耳光并咒骂她。最近美国一名男子起诉一妇女得到了损害赔偿金。说他在抱怨那个妇女大声喧闹、口吐脏字后遭受到身体伤害。(Text B) Discuss in groups of four and translate the following sentences into proper English. Step 1 Task Translating sentences by identifying the core part Enhancing your skills 句子翻译——确定主干 英语表达多为“形合”结构,讲究句子内部逻辑关系的“外化”,所谓“外化”,即使用连接词来表现其逻辑关系,使用主从复合句表达详细内容。汉语表达多为“意合”结构,结构松散,以一个一个看似并列的短句拼凑而成,彼此逻辑关系不明显。我国译界有一个著名的比喻:汉语句子的结构像“竹竿”,是一节接一节的;而英语句子则像“葡萄”,主干很短,而“挂”在上面的附加成分则很多。汉译英的过程就是一个由“竹竿”向“葡萄”转换的过程。首先要确定“一节接一节”的汉语句子,选其中的哪一节为英句的“(葡萄)主干”。 在翻译句子时,首先要考虑英语的基本框架,组织句子时,始终不脱离“主—谓”这一框架,然后再进行相应的时态、语态、句意转换等。 Enhancing your skills 2. A worker in a restaurant was slapped and cursed by a customer after she told him no table would be available for two hours. A man in the United States recently won damages for injuries suffered when he made a complaint about a woman for using bad language in her loud conversation. (Para. 7, Text B)  1. These reports include stories such as the students who faced criminal charges for selling in advance copies of a university final exam, a student who was expelled when he turned in a term paper with the purchase receipt for it still inside the pages, and a clerk who ran his own Christmas cards through the office postage meter and was found out when he sent one of the cards to the company treasurer! (Para. 1, Text A) Enhancing your skills The belief in the freedom of the individual is probably the most basic and most strongly held of all American beliefs. They have been trained since very early in their lives to consider themselves as separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations in life and their own destiny. Americans have great difficulty understanding foreigners who always want



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