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φ600卧式螺旋卸料离心机设计 摘 要:离心机作为固液分离设备广泛应用于工、农业生产的各部门和国防、环境保护等领域。卧螺离心机是一种广泛应用的高效离心分离设备,它具有连续操作、处理量大、单位产量耗电量较少、适应性强等特点。它主要应用于化工、石化、食品、医药、矿业、机械、环保等部门中需要对固液混合物(或称浆液)进行脱水、澄清、浓缩、分级和分离等操作的场合。随着科技进步和国民经济的发展,其应用领域还在进一步扩大。卧螺离心机具有连续操作、处理量大、单位产量耗电量较少、适应性强等特点。随着生产规模的逐渐扩大,作为石化企业关键设备的离心机开始逐渐向大型化、重型化方向发展。 本文主要介绍卧式螺旋沉降离心机的工作原理、系统结构和WL-600螺旋卸料离心机的系统结构。同时详细介绍了WL-600螺旋卸料离心机转鼓半锥角、液池深度、脱水区长度等转鼓基本结构参数及螺旋头数、螺距、叶片高度、螺旋推料器与转鼓的间隙、叶片与转鼓内壁母线的关系等螺旋推料器的基本结构;对分离因数、生产能力、运行功率等进行了理论推算和数据校核;确定了转鼓,主轴和螺旋部分的技术参数对转鼓和主轴进行了强度校核。据设计计算、功能参数校核认为WL-60螺旋卸料离心机可以满足使用要求,各项技术性能指标达到预期。 关键词:卧螺离心机;分离因数;生产能力;强度设计 Design of aφ600 Horizontal Scroll Decanter Centrifuge Abstract:As a kind of separating equipment, the centrifuge has been used in a large area, such as in industrial and agricultural department and national defence and environmental protect. The Horizontal scroll decanter centrifuge is widely used in phase separation with high efficieney, high degree of automation, large capacity, low operating costs and strong adaptability. It has been used for dehydrate, clarifying, concentration, classification and separate field in chemical, petrifaction, food stuff, medication, mining, machine and environment. With the development of country economics, the appliance field will continue to extend. As the pivotal equipment of petrifaction corporation, the size of centrifuge became larger and heavier. This report has mainly introduced general operating principle and system architecture , and the system architecture of the WL-600 centrifuges, describing in details the basic structural parameters of the bowl such as the half taper angle, the depth of its liquid pool, the length of its dewatering area, and the basic structural parameters of the screw-conveyor such as the number and the pitch of its screw, the height of its vane, the clearance between the bowl and the screw-conveyor, the angle of the vane against the wall of the bowl; the data of the separmion fact


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