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精品 工商管理硕士(MBA) 学 位 论 文 成商集团与茂业国际股价差异分析 ——基于A、H股价差的案例 摘 要 本文主要通过分析成商集团与茂业国际分别在A股与H股市场上的股价表现上存在的巨大差异的案例来说明导致这种股价差异的重要原因之一是在于国内对资本自由流动的管制政策,并指出资本管制对国内股市的健康发展所带来的不利影响。因成商集团与茂业国际的股价差异问题较其他A+H股上市公司的股价差异更大,并且成商集团属于茂业国际的控股公司,以此为案例分析的出发点更具有代表性。 本文的研究主要通过查阅有关文献和数据资料,通过类比和假设的方法推导出导致成商集团与茂业国际股价差异的原因。也对两个公司在主要财务指标、总股本、市盈率、市净率以及经营现状与发展前景等方面的差异进行了较为详细的说明。同时假设当一个公司的估值标准向另一个公司的估值标准靠拢时对其自身市场表现所产生影响的不合理性,从而否定成商集团与茂业国际的股价差异是由于总股本、市盈率或市净率的差异而带来的。 通过对比两个公司与行业内其他公司的经营状况和估值标准的差异来说明茂业国际与成商集团股价存在巨大差异的不合理性,从而判断出茂业国际在目前存在较大程度上的被投资者低估而成商集团略为被高估,也在一定程度上表明A股与H股在估值标准上存在较大的差异。但这也不能解释为什么一直以来成商集团与茂业国际的这种差异并没有导致套利行为的发生而使两者股价趋于一致。而制约A股与H股之间套利行为发生的重要因素在于中国大陆对资本自由流动较为严格的管制政策。 在不断深化金融改革的过程中,放松资本管制不仅有利于股市的健康稳定发展,也有利于完善国内金融体制改革。 关键词:A股 H股 估值差异 资本管制 Abstract In this paper, by analyzing the CS.GROUP with the MOI International in A shares and H shares of the stock market performance of the great differences that exist in order to illustrate the important resason for the price differences is the freedom of domestic capital flow control policy, and it pointed out that the capital controls on the domestic stock market of the adverse impact. Due to the fact that the price difference between MOI International and CS Group is bigger than that of other listed companies. It is more representative to analyze this case. This study is mainly through the relevant literature and data, by analogy method and assumptions derived from MOI International-led CS.GROUP and the reasons for price differences. Of the two companies in the main financial indicators, the total share capital, earnings, operating PB as well as the status quo and development prospects of the differences in more detail. At the same time, by comparing with the finiacial standard to negate the CS.GROUP with MOI Internationals share price was due to differences in the total share capital, the PB or PE. By comparing the two companies and the industry of other companies and the valuation of standard operating conditions to illustrate the differences



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