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食 品 科 技 2012年 第 37卷 第 4期 FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 食品开发 膳食中钙磷比例风险评估的研究 1 1* 2 李宏梁 ,王 建 ,郭 文 (1.陕西科技大学生命科学与工程学院 西安71002 1 , ; 2.青岛普仁仪器有限公司 青岛266043) , 通过对五大类食品中的钙磷含量进行测定 进行钙磷比例风险评估并提出合理化建议 摘要: , 。 结果表明 奶制品 豆制品 肉骨头是人体补钙的最良好天然来源 建议缺钙的人每天正餐和 , 、 、 , 饭补充一粒钙含量达到300 mg 的高钙片 可有效解决当前食品中钙缺乏 钙磷比不合理的现实 , 、 问题。 钙磷比例 膳食 风险评估 关键词: ; ; 中图分类号:TS 207.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1005-9989(20 12)04-0 10 1-04 Risk assessment of the calcium phosphorus ratio in diets 1 1* 2 LI Hong-liang , WANG Jian , GUO Wen (1.College of Life Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science Technology, ’ Xi an 710021; 2.Qingdao PuRen Instrument Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266043) Abstract: Five sorts of foods were determined, and rationalization proposals were put forward by applying risk assessment. The results showed that milk products, soybean products, and meat bone were the best natural source of calcium supplement for human being, in order to effectively resolve the problem of the calcium deficiency and unreason of the calcium phosphorus ratio in present foods, the people that are short of calcium were advised eating a piece of calcium tablet which contain calcium of 300 mg and should be eaten with diets in dinner. Key words: calcium phosphorus ratio


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