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摘  要 本设计题目为110Kv二钢859线、马铁854线同杆双回线路及杨桥地区220Kv万刘4811、4812线路迁移工程施工组织设计与工程造价。本项目位于马鞍山市山阴路西段,位于山鹰造纸厂周围。项目为线路迁移,电力改迁所涉长度约1.9公里。改造后使用寿命为40年。本施工组织设计编制时对项目管理机构设置、施工总体部署、施工准备、主要分部分项工程施工方法、工程质量保证措施、安全及文明施工措施、施工现场管理措施等诸多因素尽可能充分考虑,突出科学性、适用性及针对性,是确保优质、低耗、安全、文明、高速完成全部施工任务的重要经济技术文件。工程造价分为五个部分。第一部分是工程造价编制说明,第二部分是分部分项工程量清单计价表,第三部分是措施项目清单计价表,第四部分是其他项目清单计价表,第五部分是规费清单计价表。 关键词:施工组织设计;施工组织设计;线路迁移;施工总体部署;工程造价 ABSTRACT The design subject to 110Kv two steel 859 wire, iron horse854 lines of double circuit line on the same pole and Yangqiao area220Kv million Liu 4811,4812lines move project construction organization design and engineering cost. The project is located in the western part of the city of Maanshan Shanyin Road, is located in the eagle mills around. Project for the line transfer, power to move the length of about 1.9 km. After the transformation of the service life of 40 years. The preparation of construction organization design to project management organization setup, the overall arrangement of construction, construction preparation, the main sub-segment of the construction methods, quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, construction site management measures as fully as possible factors into consideration, outstanding scientific, applicability and pertinence, is to ensure high-quality, low consumption, safety, civilization, high-speed completion of all the important task of economic construction technical documents. Project cost is divided into five parts. The first part is the preparation of project cost, the second part is the sub-project BOQ table, the third part is the measure project detailed list valuation table, the fourth part is a list of other items meter, the fifth part is the fee list valuation table. Key words: construction organization design; construction organization design; line migration; the overall arrangement of construction; engineering cost 目  录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc326170413 第一部分 施工组织设计 PAGEREF _To



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