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精品 24 - 研究生毕业论文 企业文化与市场营销关系的应用研究 —以海尔集团为例 系部名称: 经济管理系 专业班级: 市场营销 B03-6班 学生姓名: 张 指导教师: 何 职 称: 教授 The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree The Applied Mesearch of Corporate Culture and Marketing — Take the Haier Group as an example Candidate:Zhang Yansheng Specialty: Marketing Class: B03-6 Supervisor:Prof.He Chenghui Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2007-06·Harbin 精品 摘  要 我国加入WTO以来,随着科学技术的迅猛发展和经济全球化进程的不断加快,中国经济正逐步融入经济全球化的浪潮中,越来越多的跨国公司进入中国市场,中国企业面临前所未有的竞争压力。如何有效地提高中国企业的核心竞争力,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中生存发展,愈来愈成为所有企业都关注的重大课题。 基于此,本文在介绍了关于企业文化与市场营销关系研究的基础理论后,并以海尔集团为例,深入浅出,详细探讨了企业文化与市场营销之间的关系。本文就企业文化与市场营销的基本理论,企业文化与市场营销的相互关系,海尔集团企业文化与市场营销的实证分析,海尔集团企业文化对我国企业文化建设的启示,得出企业文化与市场营销的具体作用关系。本文通过对海尔集团文化发展历程及营销理念的比较分析,旨在揭示中国营销文化管理观念、管理方式等方面存在的不足和障碍。 本文的创新之处在于,就企业文化与市场营销的关系研究,通过建立模型具体分析企业文化如何作用于市场营销,进而对什么样的企业文化能够提升企业市场营销来进行进一步挖掘。 关键词:市场营销;企业文化;核心竞争力;经营理念;模型 ABSTRACT Since China has joint the WTO, and with the development of the science and the process of economic globalization, more and more multinational company enter Chinese market, so the pressure of the completion is much more than before. How to improve the core competitiveness power effectively to help the market to survive in the market has been a major topic of concert. After introduces the basic research of the relationship of the corporate culture and marketing, this paper takes Haier Group as an example, and then explores the relationship between them. Through the enlighten of Haier Group to Chinese enterprises, we can get the real relation. At the same time, through the development of the Haier Culture and the analysis of the marketing concepts, we can find the shortcomings and obstacles existing in the culture marketing management concepts. In this paper, what is different from other is that through the research of culture and marketing, it builds model to analyze the relation between them, and then exploit



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