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精品 编号: 毕 业 论 文 题 目:xxxxxxxxxxxx房地产 “穿山18号”上市策划 学 院: 商 学 院 专 业: 市场营销 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲 师 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 应用研究 软件开发 2012 年 6 月 8 日 精品 摘 要 房地产行业是目前的热门行业,xx的地产市场正处于发展期。基于xx本身就是个国际旅游都市,广受世界的喜爱。近十年,来到xx定居生活的人数逐年增加,其中包括外省市地区人口,以及外国朋友,这对于房地产行业是一个绝对优势,外来定居人口的增多给房地行产业一个非常有利的发展机会,也有力地促进了xx房地产高端楼盘的开发。 xx房地产自2003年从进入xx地区的市场以来的确取得了一定的成功。在xx的房地产行业的市场中,xxxx集团凭借其雄厚的资金以及高品质楼盘,享有较高声望,有了一定的市场占有率。本文对如何推广xxxxx房地产新楼盘——xx,从分析房地产环境到剖析xxx的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,进而为xx针对性地打造的全面的、系统的楼盘推广营销策划,具有非常重要的现实意义。 首先,本文提出编写营销策略的理论依据;其次,深入分析xx地区房地产市场环境以及行业状况,并对xxxx的竞争对手进行分析;再次,运用SWOT方法分析xx穿山的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,分析xxx将面临的营销现状;最后,在依据xx所处的外部环境的机会和威胁、内部资源的优势和劣势的基础上,以理论联系实际的方法为xxxx房地产其新楼盘穿山18号制定营销策略,以期根据这一策略做xxx基于城市别墅这一理念的营销推广工作。 关键词:房地产营销策划;城市别墅;媒体组合策略;SWOT分析; 精品 Abstract The real estate industry is one of the hot industries. Guilin’s real estate industry is in the developing stage. Guilin is fond by the world due to its an international tourism destination itself. During the recent decade, the number of people who settled in Guilin is increasing annually, including those who come from other province or overseas country. This trend offers a good advantage and opportunity to develop the real estate industry, and it also promotes the development of the Guilin’s premium real estate. Xinchang real estate has been made a certain success when it entered the Guilin market in the year 2003. Among the Guilin real estate market, Guilin Xinchang real estate has gain a certain market share by its good reputation of abundant capital and high quality real estate. This paper has a very important practical significance of how to promote Xinchang’s new real estateChuanshan 18. In order to come up a comprehensive and systematic marketing campaign for the company, author will employ the environment analysis about the real estate


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