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PAGE 东北林业大学 毕业论文 论文题目: 软土地基的危害及处理措施 学 生: 指导教师: 讲师 学 院: 职业技术学院 专 业: 道路桥梁工程技术 软土地基的病害及处理措施 摘 要 介绍了软土及软土地基的定义、特征和其工程性质,软土探讨了软土地基在工程中造成的危害和软土地基的一些具体处理方法,还有选择处理方法时应考虑的条件。排水固结法和挤密砂桩法是两种较为常用,且行之有效的处理软基的措施,应用较为广泛。随着社会的快速发展,道路对路基的要求会越来越高,从而对路基的变形要求也越来越严格。这对软土地基加固处理的施工提出了新的要求,原有的施工工艺和质量检测方法需要进行改进,软土地基处理的新技术必然应运而生。目的是为了整治、处理好地基,使来往车辆及司乘人员安全、舒服、快速的行驶在公路上。 关键字: 软土地基;常用方法;新技术 Soft soil ground plant disease and processing measure abstract introduced the soft soil and the soft soil ground definition, the characteristic and its project nature, the soft soil has discussed the soft soil ground the harm and the soft soil ground some concrete processing method which creates in the project, when has the selective treatment method should consider condition.The draining water solidifying law and pushes the dense sand pile law is two kinds more commonly used, also the effective processing soft base measure, the application is widespread.Along with societys fast development, the path can be more and more high to the roadbed request, thus more and more is also strict to the roadbed distortion request.This proposed to the soft soil ground reinforcement processing construction the new request, the original construction craft and the quality examination method needs to make the improvement, the soft soil ground processing new technology arises at the historic moment inevitably.The goal is in order to renovate, processes the good ground, causes to communicate the vehicles and the driver and passenger safe, comfortable, the fast travel on the road. Key words: Soft soil ground; Commonly used method; New technology 目 录 摘要 Abstract TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc200169748 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc200169748 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200169749 1.1软土


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