
普洱茶茶多糖的提取工艺的响应面分析研究 英文.pdf

普洱茶茶多糖的提取工艺的响应面分析研究 英文.pdf

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Agricultural Science Technology, 2013, 14(3): 494-497 Copyright 訫 2013, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Storage and Processing Research on the Extraction Process of Pu-erh Tea Polysaccharide by Response Surface Analysis * Ling LUO, Binxing ZHOU , Wei GUO, Jie CHAI, Yang LI College of Pu-erh Tea, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China Abstract [Objective] This study aimed to optimize the extraction process parameters 普洱茶茶多糖的提取工艺的 of Pu-erh tea polysaccharide. [Method] Single-factor experiment was carried out to analyze the influences of three main factors, including extraction temperature, ex- 响应面分析研究 traction duration and solid-liquid ratio, on the extraction yield of tea polysaccharide. * 罗 玲,周斌星 ,郭 威,柴 洁,李 扬 (云南 Box-Behnken central composite design and response surface methodology were adopted to determine the optimal extraction process of Pu-erh tea polysaccharide. 农业大学普洱茶学院,云南昆明650201) [Result] The results of response surface analysis showed that the optimal extraction 摘 要 [ 目的] 该研究旨在解决普洱茶茶多 process was solid-liquid ratio of 1∶17, extraction temperature of 80 ℃ and extraction 糖的提取工艺中参数设定的问题。[方法]采用 duration of 78.5 min, and the Pu-erh tea polysaccharide yield was 12.72%. [Conclu- 单因素试验分析浸提温度、浸提时间、料液比 sion] Using response surface methodology (RSM) is feasible for the optimization of 这3 种主要因素对茶多糖提取率的影响,利用 Pu-erh tea polysaccharide extraction process, and the tea polysaccharide yield in- Box-Behnken 中心组合试验和响应面分析法, creased significantly. Key words P-erh tea; Tea pol


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