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摘要 数控技术及装备是发展新兴高技术产业和尖端工业(如信息技术及其产业、航空、航天等国防工业产业)的使用技术和最基本的装备。当今世界各国机械制造业广泛应用数控技术,以提高制造能力和水平、提高对动态多变市场的适应能力和集中竞争能力,大力发展以数控技术为核心的先进制造技术,已成为世界各发达国家加速经济发展、提高综合国力和国家地位的重要途径。 本次毕业设计课题——鼓风机副邮箱加工工艺分析及数控铣削加工,在机加工工艺编制方面,主要通过分析产品零件图和相关技术要求,查阅框板类零件相关资料,结合生产批量要求、零件的工艺结构要素、制造经济性、可行性等多方面因素,最终安排了12道工序来完成框板的部分加工,其中包括各道工序的加工方法,机床、刀具、夹具、辅具、量具的选择,基准面的选取,定位和夹紧方案的拟定。另外,在夹具设计方面,主要铣平面及钻孔这些工序进行了夹具方案的分析,计算和确定,并用一张装配图来表达设计出的夹具方案。 本设计以数控铣床加工工艺、编程与操作为核心内容,重点介绍了数控铣床加工工艺,数控铣床的编程方法,数控铣床的操作方法,典型零件数控铣床加工综合实训等方面的知识及应用实践技能。 关键字: 铣削 工序卡 刀具 工艺路线 夹具设计 Abstract CNC technology and equipment development is emerging high-technology industries and high-tech industries, such as information technology and its industry, aviation, aerospace, and defense industries) the use of technology and the most basic equipment. Todays world, all countries machinery manufacturing industry wide range of applications, and digital technology to improve manufacturing capabilities and level of the dynamic and changing, and improving the ability to adapt and market competitiveness and focus on making great efforts to develop a numerical control technology at the core of the advanced manufacturing technology, has become the worlds developed countries accelerate economic development, and improve the overall status of the national strength and national critical path. He graduated from the design issues - blower deputy mailbox processing analysis and numerical control the trimming process, and in the process of establishment, mainly through analysis of product parts diagram and related technology required to access the class box part-related information, combining the production volume requirements, part of the process, create economic structural elements, feasibility, and other factors, the final arrangements for the 12 channel operation complete box part of the processing board, including the operation of the processing methods, machine tools, jigs, tools, gages, complemented by a selection of the selection, and



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