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U.S. Dairy Industry Regulation 美国乳品行业法规 Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance “A”级巴氏杀菌乳条例 Federal-State-Industry Cooperation to Ensure Milk Safety 联邦-州-行业合作以确保乳品安全 Jamie Jonker 杰米·琼克尔 6 March 2012 2012年3月6日 National trade association representing most of the major dairy marketing cooperatives in the U.S. 美国贸易协会代表了大部分美国主要乳品销售企业 Our members market a majority of the milk produced in the U.S. 我们的会员生产了美国市场上绝大部分乳制品 31 Milk Cooperatives 31家乳制品合作社 32,000 Dairy Producers 32,000家乳品生产者 Provide the only forum through which dairy cooperatives and their farmer members formulate nationwide policy on issues that affect milk production and marketing 提供唯一的平台,为乳品合作社和其农场成员就影响乳制品生产和销售的事宜制定全国通用的政策 National Milk Producers Federation 美国奶制品生产者联盟 2 Presentation Outline 演说提要 3 History of the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance “A”级巴氏杀菌乳条例历史 Organization and Process of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments 州际牛奶运输全国会议的体制和流程 Example Proposal for the Conference 会议提案举例 Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance is the primary dairy regulatory document in the U.S. “A”级巴氏杀菌乳条例是美国最早的乳品法规文件 FDA is the Federal agency responsible for the safety of milk and milk products in the United States 食品与药品管理局是美国主要负责牛奶和乳制品安全的联邦机构 FDA laws govern both domestic and imported products. 美国国产及进口产品都是食品与药品管理局管辖范围 Food and Drug Administration 食品与药品管理局 4 Raw milk as a vector for disease 生乳是疾病的载体 Tuberculosis, brucellosis, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, septic sore throat, diphtheria, diarrheal diseases 肺结核、普鲁氏菌病、伤寒、猩红热、链球菌性扁桃体炎、白喉、腹泻 Limitations on milk movement 牛奶运输的局限性 Movement from one political subdivision to another was restricted to a large extent by the availability of milk close to the point of processing and marketing 从一个城市运送到另一个城市在很大程度上受限于牛奶供应点与工厂和市场的距离远近 Milk in the U.S. - Early 1900s 20世纪早期美国牛奶 5 1908 – Pasteurization became mandatory for all milk sold in Chicago 1908-芝加哥出售的所有牛奶强制执行巴氏杀菌 1917 – 46 out of the 52 largest U.S. cities encouraged or required pasteurization 1917-美国最大的52个城市中有46个鼓励或强制使


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