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摘 要 汽车4S店作为我国汽车销售及售后服务的主体形式为汽车的销售和售后服务带来了很多便利,但是其仍然存在着许多问题。随着汽车工业的发展,中国已经成为一个汽车售后服务潜力巨大的市场,但由于4S店售后服务的不规范导致这一具有巨大潜力的市场没有被充分的发挥出来且客户满意度差,汽车4S店的规范化、标准化已经成为各企业现今及未来售后服务发展的趋势。 文章中依据产品质量管理体系认证标准,将汽车4S店售后服务视为产品进行其流程的制定。流程设定按客户接待的先后顺序分为主动与客户接触、预约服务、客户接待/问诊、估价/制单、休息室接待、车间派工/维修、零件预先检料、维修质量监控、完工/出票、交车/结算、客户跟踪/回访、客户抱怨解决及预防12步流程,并依据管理体系的认证标准对该12步流程的实施进行考核。 关键词:汽车售后服务;流程;标准化 Abstract As a subject form of automobile sales and after-sales service in china, automobile 4S shop brings a lot of advantages for car sales and after-sales service, but it still has a lot of problems. With the development of the automotive industry, China has become a huge potential market for auto after-sales service, but, due to the irregular after-sales service of automobile 4S shop cause that the market with enormous potential has not been given greater scope to and customer satisfaction is poor, the normalization and standardization has been a development tendency of all enterprises in the current and future. In the article, according to the standard of product quality management system certifi- cation, we regard after-sales service of automobile 4S shop as a product and start to formulate its processes. In order to the sequencing of customer reception, we divide the processes into 12 steps which include: actively approach customer, reservation vice, customer reception/inte- rrogation, evaluation/documents making, lounge service, workshop dispatching/maintenance, parts prior inspection makings, maintenance quality control, completion/issue, car returning/ settlement, customer tracking/ payareturnvisit, the solving and preventing of customer complaining, appraisal the implementation of the 12 steps processes in terms of the standard of product quality management system certification for the implementation of the 12 step process evaluation. Keywords: after-sales service of automobile; process; standardization 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293910887 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc293910887 \h 1 HYPERL


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