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当代医学 2008年9月总第149期 Cont empor a r y Medi c i n e, Sep t e mb er 2 00 8, I ss ue No. 14 9 乳 增 宁 软 胶 囊 制 备 的 工 艺 研 究 安泽余 刘向红 杨作成 巩文艺 [ 摘要] 目的 通过设计工艺路线,进行工艺方法和条件的筛选,制定出方法简便,条件确定的稳定工艺,以优选乳增宁软胶囊的最佳提取工 艺与制备方法。方法 采用正交试验筛选提取工艺。以加水量 (A)、浸泡时间 (B)、提取时间 (C)作为考察因素,以挥发油 收率为考察指标, 优选当归、乳香、没药、郁金、香附、柴胡中的挥发 油提取工艺。以加水量 (A)、提取时间 (B)、提取次数 (C)作为考察因素,以芍 药苷的含 量为考察指标优选 赤芍、浙贝母、昆布、海藻、牡蛎、橘核、夏 枯草、甘草药味的水提 工艺。结果 通过正交试验 筛选的最佳制备工艺条件为: (1)挥发油的提取:当归、乳香、没药、郁金、香附 、柴胡加10倍量水,浸泡1小时,提取8小时。 (2 )水提 工艺最佳条件为加10倍量水 ,煎煮2 次,煎煮1. 5小时。结论 通过正交试验优选出乳增宁软胶囊的最佳制备工艺,该制备工艺稳定。 [ 关键词] 中药;乳腺增生;乳增宁软胶囊;制备工艺 [Ab stra ct ] Obj ect ive To opt imize th e best extracting process and prep aration for Ruzengning soft capsu les by designin g rou tin e of t ech nolo gy, ch oosing methods and conditions in order to establish process which has simple method an d stable condit ion .Meth ods Ortho gonal design was carried out for the ex tract ion pro cesses . With the yield of volatile oil as indexes, and water vo lume, soakin g t ime and extracting time as fact ors, the opt imal ex tract ing cond ition for volat ile oil from Rad ix Ang elicae Sinensis, Olibanum , Olibanu m, Radix Curcumae, Rh izoma Cyperi and Radix Bup leuri was inv estig at ed. With the tran sferring rate of Paeoniflorin as indexes, and the volume of water, ex tract ing time and times as factors , th e opt imal extractin g process for the extract ing with water was exp lored . Result s ( 1) Th e optimal ex traction con dit ion of th e v olat ile oil : th e extract ion techn iqu e w as 基 defin ed as 1 h our of soaking time, 8 hou rs of extract ing with 10 t imes volu me of water. (2) The resu lt of water ex tract ion : the extraction technique 础 was defin ed as 1.5 hou rs of each extraction with 10 times v olu me of water and two extractions. Conclusion The opt imum p reparation t


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