毕业论文 浅谈我国农村社会保障制度存在问题及完善.doc

毕业论文 浅谈我国农村社会保障制度存在问题及完善.doc

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包头师范学院 本科毕业论文 ? ? ? ? ? 论文题目:浅谈我国农村社会保障制度存在问题及完善 学生姓名:赵丽丽 学 院:政治与法律学院 专 业:政治学与行政学 学 号:0700000033 指导教师:贺晋秀 老师 ? 二〇一二年三月 摘 要 当前我国农村社会保障制度存在着一些问题,主要表现在:社会保障制度残缺不全,保障项目较小,发展模式不够清楚;政府投入少,保障范围窄,覆盖面小,保障水平低,管理不够科学和规范;农民无力承担农村社保费用,自觉参与社保的意识薄弱。这些问题都碍于社会保障功能的正常发挥,要解决这些问题,政府必须承担起主要责任,加大对农村社保的投入;要加快发展农村经济,夯实农民参加社保的经济基础;大力宣传农村社会保障制度,使农民群众充分认识到该制度的优越性,提高农民社会保障意识;要加强农村社会保障立法,完善农村社会保障的法律体系,使农村各项社保工作有法可依;完善公共财政, 促进农村社会保障制度建设。 关键词:农村社会保障制度 养老保险 医疗保险 社会救助 Abstract Chinas rural social security system there are some problems,mainly: incomplete social security system, protection of the project is small, the mode of development is not clear enough; lessgovernment investment, narrow the scope of protection, the coverage of small, low level of protection and management are notscientific and specification; farmers to afford the rural social security costs, and consciously participate in a poor sense ofsocial security. These problems are due to the normal functioningof social security, to solve these problems, the government must assume the primary responsibility to increase investment in rural social security; to accelerate the development of rural economy, toreinforce the farmers to participate in the economic basis forsocial security; vigorously publicize the rural community security system, the peasant masses fully aware of the superiority of the system, to improve farmers awareness of social security; to strengthen the rural social security legislation, improve the legal system of the rural social security, and various rural social securitylaws to go by; improve the public finances to promote rural social security system. Keywords: rural social security system, pension insurancemedical insurance and social relief 目 录 引言(绪论)………………………………


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