新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIV-Unit1-Section A-Love and logic:The story of a fallacy.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIV-Unit1-Section A-Love and logic:The story of a fallacy.ppt

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Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. If sb. could do …, sb. just might do … 用于表达“假设” 2. Sb. never/seldom do .... Instead, sb. do … 用于表达“强调” 3. Look at …, look at …. Can you do …? 用于表达“对比” 如果我能够让我所申请的顶尖律师事务所看到我身边伴随着一位光彩照人、谈吐优雅的另一半,我就很有可能在竞聘中以微弱优势获胜。 原句译文 逆译练习 If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spoken counterpart by my side, I just might edge past the competition. 句型提炼 If sb. could do …, sb. just might do … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达 “假设”。 句型应用 典型例句 如果你能好好利用现有的一切而不是幻想你所没有的,你很可能已经取得巨大的成功了。 意群提示 If you could make the best of what you have instead of dreaming of what you don’t have, you just might have already achieved great success. 这个人根本没有回答老板的问题,而只是在博取老板的同情。 原句译文 逆译练习 The man never answered the boss’s question. Instead he appealed to the boss’s sympathy. 句型提炼 Sb. never/seldom do .... Instead, sb. do … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“强调”。 句型应用 典型例句 一些人民公仆从不为人民服务,而只是利用手中的特权、职权最大程度地为自己谋取私利。 意群提示 Some of our public servants never serve the people, instead they take advantage of their privileges and authorities to seek personal interests to the maximum extent. 看看我,一个聪明过人的学生,一个不同凡响的学者,一个前途无量的人。再看看罗伯,一个肌肉发达的蠢材,一个有了上顿没下顿的家伙。你是否能给我一个充足的理由,为什么要选择跟他?” 原句译文 逆译练习 Look at me, an ingenious student, a tremendous intellectual, a man with an assured future. Look at Rob, a muscular idiot, a guy who’ll never know where his next meal is coming from. Can you give me one good reason why you should be with him?” 句型提炼 Look at …, look at …. Can you do …? 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“对比”。 句型应用 典型例句 看看我们,住着高楼大厦,穿着耐克、阿迪,吃着麦当劳、肯德基,喝着百事和可乐。再看看那些战乱地区的难民们,躲在破烂不堪的草棚里,没穿、没吃、没喝。我们怎么还能抱怨我们的生活呢? 意群提示 Look at us, living in tall buildings, wearing Nike and Adidas, eating McDonalds and KFCs, drinking Pepsis and Colas. Look at the refugees in the war stricken areas, sheltering in poor straw sheds, having almost nothing to wear, to eat and to drink. How can we complain about our lives? 她已经是“光彩照人”了。但我能够施予她足够多的“智慧之珠”,让她变得“谈吐优雅”。 a. “Radiant” she was already. I could dispense he


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