新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit8-Section B-A Turning Point of My Life.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程Book4-Unit8-Section B-A Turning Point of My Life.ppt

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Being admitted to the company has been far from his expectation. Being appointed as the manager of the department is almost unimaginable. 典型例句 能进入该公司已经远远超出了我的预料。被任命为部门经理更是几乎难以想象的。 意群提示 我感觉自己继承的身份就像是成了法庭上的被告,我别无选择,只能保护它并谴责这样一种过时的偏见。 这些信让我快乐,让我激动不已,因为我想到,我不仅作品得以发表,而且我还是个观点制造者。 成为一名作家远远超出了我的预料。被冠以畅销书作者的称号更是几乎难以想象的。 4. How did the author approach writing? (Para.5) Tips The more..., the better...; like waxing a car, thoroughly and repeatedly. The writer is of the opinion that writing needs patience and practices. The author preferred to think the major reason was that the editor agreed with his opinion. 5. Why did the author think the Times publish his commentary? (Para.6) Tips About 20 sympathetic and congratulatory letters from college professors made the author feel he had proposed ideas that arouse discussion among the public. 6. What made the writer believe he was an opinion maker? (Para.7) Tips 原句: These letters tickled me, making my heart flutter with the thought that I was not only a published writer but an opinion maker. (Para. 7, L2) 解释: These letters made me happy because I felt that not only did I get my work published but I also proposed ideas that could arouse discussion among the public. 译文: 这些信让我快乐,让我激动不已,因为我想到,我不仅作品得以发表,而且我还是个观点制造者。 He wasn’t clear at first about how to write a complete book, and wasn’t sure whether he had the ability to do it. 7. How did the author feel at first when he was asked to write a book about his life? (Para. 9) Tips The author attributed his success to his passion for it. 8. What made him a successful writer according to the author? (Paras.10-14) Tips 解释: I always thought of the most important part of my achievements – the letter I wrote to The New York Times. 译文: 我的思绪总是会归结于其中最核心的部分—那封写给《纽约时报》的信。 原句: My thoughts always came back to the nucleus at the center of it all, that letter to The New York Times. (Para. 10, L3) 解释: The most obvious explanation is that I had found a subject which I had strong



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