新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit2-Section A-Swimming through fear.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit2-Section A-Swimming through fear.ppt

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Practical Phrases Meanings 1 deem sth. important 认为……重要 2 pop up 突然出现;冒出来 3 be paralyzed with 使丧失思考能力,使呆若木鸡 4 plow through sth. 艰难费力的通过 5 throw oneself into / at / on / down 突然猛力地冲进/扑向/跳到/扑倒等 6 make one’s way 行进(尤指艰难地,或需要很长时间时) Practical phrases 认为……重要 Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is important to you. deem sth.important 短语逆译 短语应用 别人认为重要的,并不能作为你确定目标的根据。只有你自己才知道,什么东西对你最重要。 意群提示 Practical phrases 突然出现;冒出来 For years, Chinese billionaires began to pop up most frequently in Forbes magazine. pop up 短语逆译 短语应用 这几年中国的亿万富豪频繁出现在《福布斯》杂志排行榜上。 意群提示 Practical phrases 使丧失思考能力;使呆若木鸡 Most people fear public speaking. They are always paralyzed with the thought of standing alone in front of and speaking to a large audience. be paralyzed with 短语逆译 短语应用 大多数人都害怕公共演说。一想到要独自站在一大群听众面前讲话就会吓得不知所措。 意群提示 Practical phrases 艰难费力的通过 In order to gather material for my thesis, I had to plow through dozens of old books on economics. plow through sth. 短语逆译 短语应用 为了收集论文资料,我只好啃了几十本经济学的旧书。 意群提示 Practical phrases 突然猛力地冲进/ 扑向/跳到/扑倒等 Seeing his mother, the boy threw himself into her arms. throw oneself into / at / on / down 短语逆译 短语应用 小男孩一见到自己的母亲,马上扑进了她的怀抱。 意群提示 Practical phrases 行进(尤指艰难地,或需要很长时间时) He doesn’t have the determination to make his way in the world. make one’s way 短语逆译 短语应用 他没有努力上进的决心。 意群提示 Practical phrases Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. Nothing … as much as … 否定比较级,用于表达“最……”。 2. As sb. did sth., sb. realize something incredible / provoking / important: sb. no longer … 用于表达“某人对某些事的反思”。 3. Adj. as sb. was, sb. / sth. had never looked adj. 用于表达“某人对某事或某人新的看法”。 Functional patterns 没有什么比水让我更害怕了。 原句译文 逆译练习 Nothing scared me as much as water. (Para. 1, L1) 句型提炼 Functional patterns Nothing … as much as … 句型提炼 应用提示 否定比较级,用于表达“最……”。 句型应用 Functional patterns 典型例句 世界上最让人困扰的就是自己的心境。 意群提示 Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind. Functional patterns 后来我们到达安全水域时,我觉得有些不可思议:我不再怕水了。 原句译文 逆译练习 And, as we made our way to safety I



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