新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit 7 Section B-Rays of hope in rising rudeness.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit 7 Section B-Rays of hope in rising rudeness.ppt

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原句: As rudeness in public dealings cuts both ways, citizens perceive that public servants habitually ignore them, and they in turn treat the public servants in an offensive fashion. (Para. 6, L3) 解释: Since rudeness in public activities goes in both directions (in other words, citizens and public servants are rude to each other), citizens find that public servants usually neglect them and so they treat the public servants in a rude way as well. 译文: 正如在公共交往中,粗鲁无礼是把双刃剑一样,公民觉察到公务员习惯性地忽略他们,他们就也以无礼的方式对待公务员。 Text comprehension Sentence interpretation 7. What does the sentence “sometimes, such behavior goes beyond verbal abuse” mean in the paragraph? What’s the function of it? (Para.7) It means that beside verbal abuse, there are other forms of abuse. From the following part / examples, we can find another form of abuse, that is, rude actions. The sentence functions as a transitional sentence. Tips Text comprehension 8. Is the situation improving or not? What is the author’s viewpoint ? (Para.8) Text comprehension Tips There is disagreement as to whether the situation is improving or not. Many see little hope for a decline in today’s rude behavior. Others are feeling more hopeful. The author holds the same view as the latter. (volunteer their time for community projects, make a lot of donations of goods and money to charities, have a positive effect on others, help to reduce the stress in society.) 原句: The organization points to a variety of indicators showing kinder and more compassionate citizens. (Para. 8, L6) 解释: The organization mentions many different kinds of signs which show citizens are getting kinder, more understanding, and more sympathetic. 译文: 该组织指出,有各种迹象表明,更友善和更富 同情心的市民大有人在。 Text comprehension Sentence interpretation increasingly lump thought traditional Text comprehension Text summary fast-paced ignorant verbal abuse decline Text comprehension Text summary Nowadays, more people are ___________ their time for community projects;


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