新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit1 Section A-Toward a brighter future for all.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit1 Section A-Toward a brighter future for all.ppt

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5. pursue (Para. 4) 2) chase sb. or sth. in order to catch them 追赶;追逐 The police officer pursued the speeding car and eventually stopped it with the help of another police car. Translation: 这名警官追赶一辆超速行驶的车,最终在另一辆警车的协助下,截下了那辆车。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 6. early bird / night owl (Para. 6) 1) sb. who gets up early in the morning 早起的人 My mom is an early bird—she always gets up at 5 in the morning. Translation: 我妈妈喜欢早起,她总是早上 5 点就起床。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 6. early bird / night owl (Para. 6) 2) sb. who arrives somewhere or does sth. before other people do 早到的人;捷足先登者 Go down to the store as early as you can because it is the early bird that catches the worm. If you get there after 10 o’clock, the best stuff will have been sold out. Translation: 你要尽可能早点去这家商店,捷足先登嘛。要是你 10 点钟之后才赶到,好东西可就都卖完了。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 6. early bird / night owl (Para. 6) He is indeed a night owl; he never goes to sleep before midnight. Translation: 他是个真正的夜猫子,从来不在半夜之前睡觉。 night owl: n. [C] (infml.) sb. who enjoys going out at night or does not go to bed until it is late 夜猫子;惯于晚睡的人 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 7. acquire (Para. 7) She acquired a good knowledge of Chinese. Translation: 她汉语学得很好。 vt. 1) gain knowledge or learn a skill 学到,获得(知识、技能) Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 7. acquire (Para. 7) 2) get or gain sth. 取得;获得 We should acquire more first-hand information. Translation: 我们应当取得更多的第一手资料。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting 7. acquire (Para. 7) Collocation note: learn knowledge 来表示“学习知识”这个搭配在英语中是错误的,正确的表达应该是 acquire knowledge 。其他可以和 knowledge 搭配的动词还有gain,absorb,build up, accumulate,use,apply,possess,develop 等。 Enhancing your skills Language highlighting Word formation Meaning Examples en- a prefix that is used to transform a noun or an adjective into a verb Can you list some examples? entitle, endanger, encourage, ensure, en



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