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PAGE PAGE 5 Abstract The dissertation points out that efficiently and scientifically applying transformer condition information is the basis for the transformer maintenance in case online detecting devices are not prevalent. Then, the dissertation systematically analyzes the information acquired in transformer precaution tests and reaches its classification and characteristics needed for evaluating the transformer conditions. According to the actual operation of Zunyi Power Supply Bureau, taking the oil-immersed transformers for example, the dissertation use Gas Analysis(DGA),as one of the most useful techniques to detect incipient faults,to realize the insulation condition monitoring for Power transformers. Based on DGA,an oil chromatograph on-1ine monitoring system for transformer is developed. The system mainly measures the volume content and trend of the fault-related gases include H2,CO,CH4,C2H2,C2H4,and C2H6. Guidelines of transformer maintenance are made based on state analysis of transformer. It scores the transformer’s health by 100-scale and values the parts of transformer with difference weight, and then divides the results to five states: good, normal, attention, abnormal and significant abnormal. The effectiveness of this assessment is examined by using examples. It helps to direct the arrangement of transformers maintenance and establishes a good foundation for transformer maintenance. Key words: transformer;CBM;PI;appliance; 第一章 绪论 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 电力变压器是电力系统中重要的输变电设备之一,在电力系统中处于枢纽地位,其 运行的安全可靠性直接关系到电力系统的安全。随着电网的迅速发展,单台高电压、大 容量的变压器越来越多地投入电网运行,与此同时,由于制造、运输、安装和维修质量 等因素造成地电力变压器的故障不仅影响电力系统的输电能力,还可能造成电力系统的 大规模停电,给电力系统和国民经济带来巨大损失。因此,提高电力变压器运行的可靠 性,对整个电网的安全可靠运行具有十分重要的意义。然而,除了在变压器设计制造过 程中提高其可靠性外,更关键的是要在变压器的运行过程中提高其维护与检修水平。 长期以来,电力系统主要是通过预防性试验 PT(Prevention Test)定期维修 TBM (Time Base Maintenance)来实现变压器的健康水平和良好的运行状况的判断。我国的 电力行业标准《电力设备预防性试验规程》(DL/T596-1996)和《变压器检修导则》(DL/T 573—95)规定:110kV 及以上电压等级的变压器投运 5 年进行大修一次,以后每隔 10 年必须进行一次大修,每年进行一次小修。这种不管变压器的状



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