
丹参标准化生产技术规程(sop)-(Technical specification for standardized production of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SOP)).doc

丹参标准化生产技术规程(sop)-(Technical specification for standardized production of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SOP)).doc

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丹参标准化生产技术规程(sop)-(Technical specification for standardized production of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SOP))

丹参标准化生产技术规程(sop)-(Technical specification for standardized production of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SOP)) The planting time of winter should be from late October to early November, and the planting in spring should be in late February In early March, sunny mining is selected. This base promotes planting in winter. The acquisition method used by your tooth planting machine low side deep 30cm, by digging, planting with mining, Can not be concentrated, so as not to heat. It is better to breed and store fresh roots and reed heads in 3.3.3. The storage time of roots was not more than 7d. Storage The measures of preventing heat and wilting were carried out, and the storage time of cut roots was not more than 12h, and the storage and transportation of roots were also carried out Time is not more than 3D, immediately after cutting section planting. 4 cultivation techniques of Salvia miltiorrhiza 4.1 sowing and seedling raising The choice of 4.1.1 seedling field is close to the water source, the terrain is flat, the drainage is good, and the groundwater level is not exceeded 1.5m; soil tillage is generally not less than 30cm; sandy loam acidic soil more fertile or slightly alkaline; requirements In the previous year, crops were grown as grasses, such as wheat, corn, or fallow land. Peanut, vegetable and Salvia miltiorrhiza were planted in the preceding crop The plots can not be used as breeding fields, and the sites should be selected in the base area. 4.1.2 application of seedbed preparation compost manure or manure l.5 * 104kg/hm2 Diammonium phosphate 150kg / hm2, tillage depth 20cm above. Rake, level, clear Stone weed. A furrow with a width of 1.2m, a width of 30cm between the border and a depth of 20cm. 4.1.3 seed sowing time should be timely sowing after seed harvest, usually in late June or early July. Acre With the seeds of 37.5 ~ 52.5kg and 2 ~ 3 times on the fine after mixing, evenly spread on the bed, with a broom or shovel Pat, the seed and soil full contact, wit


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