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毕 业 设 计 设计题目:基于FANUC数控铣床故障维修实验台的总体设计 系 部: 机 电 工 程 系 专业名称: 机 电 一 体 化 技 术 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成时间: 2012 年 月 日 摘要 随着数控机床的推广和使用,社会对掌握数控机床诊断与维修的人才的需求越来越迫切。本文研究的目的就是建立一个适合高职院校数控教学、实验、实训和开发的数控故障诊断与维修教学实验平台,以适应对数控机床诊断与维修方面人才培养的需求。 本文针对FANUC?0iMate D数控系统,从系统的体系结构、硬件连接,对数控实验台进行总体设计。分析了主轴变频调速原理和伺服驱动系统,对各功能模块建立了连接。分析了实验台的操作、功能开发以及参数设置。重点研究了开关量I/O地址分配以及常见电气故障点的设置,并对系统进行了相关调试。 本课题所开发的故障维修实验台不仅在理论上进行了有益的探索与研究,还进行了系统具体的实施工作,对于高职院校数控维修高技能人才的培养,具有重要意义。 关键词:数控系统,故障诊断,维修,教学实验 Abstract With the promotion of NC machine tools and use, to the grasp of social numerical control machine tool diagnosis and maintenance of the talented persons demand more and more urgent. The purpose of this study is to set up a suitable for higher vocational colleges teaching, experiment, practice numerical control and the development of numerical control fault diagnosis and maintenance teaching experimental platform, in order to adapt to the numerical control machine tool diagnosis and maintenance personnel training needs. This paper FANUC 0i Mate D numerical control system, from the system of system structure, hardware connection, on the NC equipment in overall design. Analyzes the main shaft frequency control principle and servo drive system, the function module connection. Analyzes the experimental operation、development and parameter setting function. Focus on the switch quantity I/O address assignment and common electrical fault point Settings, and the system for the relevant debugging. This topic of development the maintenance test bench not only in theory beneficial exploration and research, but also for the concrete implementation system work, for higher vocational colleges numerical control maintenance of skilled personnel training, to have the important meaning. Key words: the numerical control system, fault diagnosis and maintenance, t


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