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工程设计,设备供应及安装合同技术附件中英文 篇一:设备供应商中英文合同参考 合 同 Between ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: A corporation duly registered and existing under the laws of India, hereinafter referred to as USER or BYD; 一个注册于印度并受印度法律约束的公司,以下称之谓“使用方或比亚迪” And 和 ADDRESS:地址: TEL: FAX: 电话:86-755- 传真:86-755- 一个注册于中国_并受 中华人民共和国法律约束的公司,以下称之为“供货人”。 Whereas “SUPPLIER” is unable to engage in the import export business, and whereas USER accepts that SUPPLIER may consign conduct business with USER, and USER signed the CONTRACT (Contract No.______) with its agent dated on ____. Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and mutual consultations, the parties hereto establish the terms and conditions hereinafter as a supplemental agreement, which is binding upon both parties, and it is as follows:鉴于供货人自身无法从事进出口业务,同时鉴于使用方同意供货人委托恒丰电业制造厂有限公司作为代理商与其进行关于买卖该设备的交易,而使用方和代理商于______签订了合同(合同号为:_______)。因此,考虑到以上情况并经相互协商,双方特约定以下条款及条件作为该合同的补充协议,协议双方均遵照该协议信守执行。 Therefore, the parties agree with the terms and conditions as follows: 因此,双方在如下条件上达成协议: ARTICLE 1 – SUPPLIER’S WARRANTY OVER ITS AGENT 第一款- 供应方对其代理商的保证 1.1 Agent carries out the overseas trade on behalf of Seller. Any and all of Agent’s compensation and other expenses will be in conformity to the agreement between Agent and Seller. In no event shall Buyer be responsible for the compensation and other expenses of Agent to carry out this Contract. 代理商是为了卖方的利益进行外贸代理的一方,代理商的一切佣金、其他花费遵从代理商与卖方的约定,不应由买方承担。 1. 2 Seller shall bear the joint liability for any and all obligations and responsibilities of Agent hereunder. If there is any breach of contract arising from Agent, Buyer shall be entitled to the option to cover the losses and damages from Seller directly. 卖方应对代理商在此合同下的一切义务、责任承担连带责任。如代理商有违约行为,买方有权选择直接向卖方索赔。 ARTICLE 2 – SPECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENT 第二款 – 设备描述 1. . The name of product: Automatic Ultrasonic washing machine 2. Model No: AIX-C80108 3. Amount: 1 Pack 4. Trade Mark: AIX 5. Country: SHENZHEN CHINA 1. 设备名称: 2.设备型号: 3.设


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