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湖南铁路科技职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计) 题 目 非正常情况下地铁行车组织 学 生 姓 名 朱 北 海 指 导 教 师 程 钢 系 部 运 输 管 理 系 专 业 班 级 运 营 管 理 306-3 班 摘 要 城市轨道交通具有快速、便捷、运量大、污染小的特点,已经成为缓解城市交通矛盾的主要运输方式。非正常情况下行车组织是相对于正常情况行车组织而言的,主要是指由于设备故障、火灾、大客流、列车晚点或运行秩序紊乱等原因不能继续采用正常情况下行车组织方法组织轨道交通行车。城市轨道交通由于采用较先进的设备,自动化程度较高,正常情况时行车组织作业主要是利用先进设备监控列车运行。然而越先进的设备,由于平时很少遇到故障情况,一旦出现故障,则越考验各级行车人员的事故处理能力及应变能力。因此为加强员工对非正常情况下的处理能力,城市轨道交通系统非常重视非正常情况下事故演练。本论文深入浅出地介绍城市轨道交通系统非正常情况下(信号设备故障、道岔故障、火灾)行车组织的基本方法。并提出基于MAs的运行调整方法,MAs依靠系统内的Agent之间的相互协调、合作最终做出决策,具有自主性、分布性、协调性,并具有组织能力、学习能力和推理能力。最后又结合了广州地铁二号线的列车晚点情况分析调整策略。作为城市轨道交通行业行车工作人员应加强非正常情况下的行车组织工作能力,以防在特殊情况下能够有条不紊地指挥行车工作,从而尽量减少生命、财产损失,提高地铁的整体运营效益。 关键字:地铁;非正常情况;行车组织;晚点;ATS故障 ABSTRACT UMT(urban rail transit) has already become the main transportation way on releasing urban traffic pressure for its advantages like high speed, convenience,large-volume and less pollution. Abnormal circumstances driving organization is relative to the normal operational Mainly refers to the equipment failure, fire, due to the large passenger flow, the train operation order or by such reason cannot continue normally traffic organization organization rail transit. Urban rail transit due to the advanced equipment, high degree of automation, normal operation when driving organization is the main advanced equipment monitoring train operation. However, due to the advanced equipment fault, seldom met once the test, at fault accident driving personnel and adaptability. So in order to strengthen the abnormal situation of employees to handle ability, the urban rail transit system attaches great importance to the abnormal situation accident drill. This paper introduces method of urban rail transit system in abnormal cases (signal equipment, rail failure, fire) driving the basic methods of organization. and puts forward the basic method based on the operation for MAS adjusting method. MAs rely on system of the interaction between the Agent and final decisions,


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