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剑魔:This battle will be my masterpiece
阿狸: Dont you trust me?
阿卡丽: As balance dictates.
阿里斯塔: Nothing can hold me back!
阿木木: I thought youd never pick me
艾尼维亚 冰鸟: On my wings
安妮:You wanna play too? Itll be fun!
艾希: All the world on one arrow
阿奇尔 沙皇: Shurima! Your emperor has returned!
机器人布里茨: Fired up and ready to serve.
布兰德 火男: Ready to set the world on fire? Heheheh...
布隆: The heart is the strongest muscle
凯特琳 女警: Im on the case
卡西奥佩娅 蛇女: There is no antidote for me
科加斯 大虫子: Youd wish the world you know to end! Yeeeesssss...
库奇 飞机: Im up to snuff, and gots me an ace machine!
德莱厄斯 诺手: They will regret opposing me
戴安娜 皎月: A new moon is rising
蒙多: Mundo!
德莱文: Welcome to the League of Draven.
伊莉丝 蜘蛛女皇: Only the spider is safe in her web
伊芙琳 寡妇: The night is my veil
伊泽瑞尔 EZ: Time for a true display of skill
费德提克 稻草人: Your bidding, master!
菲欧娜 剑姬: I long for a worthy opponent
菲兹 小鱼人: Let me at em!
加里奥 石像鬼: A guardian is always prepared.
普朗克 船长: Prepare to be boarded
盖伦: My heart and sword always for Demacia
纳什之牙: Gnar gada!
古拉加斯 酒桶 : If youre buying, Im in
格雷福斯 男枪: Dead man walkin
赫卡里姆 人马: Behold the might of the Shadow Isles
黑默丁格 大头: Indeed, a wise choice
艾瑞莉娅 刀妹: My blade is at your service
迦娜 风女: The tempest is at your command
嘉文四世 皇子: By my will, this shall be finished
贾克斯 武器: Lets do this!
杰斯: I fight for a brighter tomorrow
金克丝: Rules are made to be broken... like buildings! Or people!
卡莉丝塔: Death to all betrayers
卡尔玛: Always trust your spirit
卡尔萨斯 死歌: Agony, ecstasy, peace. Every passing has a beauty all its own
卡萨丁: The balance of power must be preserved
卡特:Violence solves everything!
凯尔 天使: Into the fray
亚索: Death is like the wind; always by my side
凯南: The eyes never lie
卡兹克 螳螂: Isolate and devour
克格莫 大嘴: Time to feast
乐芙兰 妖姬: The Black Rose shall bloom once more
李青 盲僧: Your will, my hands
蕾欧娜 女坦: The dawn has arrived.
丽桑卓: I will bury the world in ice
卢锡安: Everybody dies. Some just need a little help
璐璐: Pleased to meet you
拉克丝 光辉: Tactical decision, summon
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