
The Framework for Love爱的构架(中英互译).docVIP

The Framework for Love爱的构架(中英互译).doc

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The Framework for Love爱的构架(中英互译).doc

The Framework for Love爱的构架 Para 1 It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia. A light rain was falling, making tapping sounds on the tin roof and the smell of mould filled the old lodge we were vacationing in for the weekend. A shiver in the air inspired a fire on the Franklin stove. We were all sipping hot chocolate and then my father went over to the upright piano, pushed up the sleeves of his shirt and began picking out a tune with one finger. He was not much of a pianist, but he knew the love of song and family. My mother put down her sewing and joined him on the bench and then my brother drifted to the piano as well. Finally, a poor singer and so usually a violinist instead, I added my voice for a line or two. My father, ever considerate, said, “See, you can sing, darling. That was good.” 时值秋夜,在我的故乡新斯科舍,小雨淅沥,轻叩锡铁屋顶。我们周末度假寄住的古老小屋,弥漫着一股霉味。空气寒冷得让人发抖,于是我们点上了富兰克林取暖炉。我们悠然地喝着热巧克力,接着父亲走向立式钢琴,卷起衬衫袖,伸出一指敲一曲。他算不上一个钢琴家,可他知道歌中的情、家中的爱。母亲放下手中的针线活,和他同坐在一条凳子上,然后我哥哥也缓步走向钢琴。最后,不太能唱歌却能拉拉小提琴的我也凑热闹唱了一两句。一向体贴人的父亲说:“你看,你也可以唱的,宝贝。唱得很好。” Para 2 I have often remembered how warm, happy and loved I felt growing up. It took me years, though, to learn that the love in our family didn’t just happen. In fact, love never just happens-not even to people who seem as naturally loving as my mother and father. But, I would hedge to bet, there is a framework you must live within to let this gift that has no rivals mature. 我常常记得成长的过程中感受到的温暖、幸福和关爱。虽然我花了好些年才知道,家人的爱不是凭空产生的。事实上,爱从来就不是凭空产生的,甚至对那些看上去像我父母那样天生充满爱的人来说也一样。但是,我愿打赌,你必须生活于一个构架之中,方能让爱这一无与伦比的礼物瓜熟蒂落。 Para 3 First, love needs time. Perhaps people can recognize in a moment the possibility for love, and make grand declarations such as “I love you” within weeks of having met, but this love is comparable to the beginning of a long road up a mountain with many ups and downs. Mature love is like a living organism. It parallels the life of an oak tree, growing slowly from a seed in the mud to a slender trunk with barely any leaves and finally into it


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