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摘 要 ,,,,MATLAB软件的仿真,具体为闭环系统在单位阶跃响应进行SIMULINK仿真,仿真结果表明自整角机位置随动系统的稳定性和快速性都达不到标准要求,此时采用PD和PID调节器进行校正,结果表明系统总体工作稳定可靠,指标满足设计要求。 关键词: MATLAB;; Abstract Position servo system is a very broad application class system, it mainly accomplish that the position instruction is tracked well and truly by executive actuator, controlled variables is the spatial displacement of load, when the position instruction changes random, controlled variables can be controlled precisely by the system. In accomplishing the loop control servo system of angular position, accomplishing the angular position measurement is the implementation. Angular position measurement is an important part of the control system, and the fundamental of other control function implements Synchro has simple structure, reliable and high precision characters, is often used for measurement of the rotation angle. This paper takes Synchro Position servo system for specific subjects. The system includes the following parts: Synchro, phase-sensitive rectifier, reversible power amplifier, actuators and reducer. Basing on the model, the paper analysis the system error, indicates error sources and its expression and the mathematical relationships, and put forward a reliable calibration scheme. The simulation of the system is implemented based on error analysis and simulate the step response by SIMULINK , the results show that the system’s stability and rapidity can not achieve the requirements, hence PD and PID are derived in to adjust the system. At last the results show that the system works stable and the indicators meet the design requirements . Keywords:Synchro; Servo System; Automatic control system; Steady-state error 引 言MATLAB环境下对闭环系统的单位阶跃响应进行SIMULINK仿真。 随动控制技术是自动化学科中与产业部门联系最紧密、服务最广泛的一个分支。世界上第一个随动控制系统由美国麻省理工学院辐射实验室(林肯实验室的前身)于1944年研制成功,这就是火炮自动跟踪目标的随动系统。自从第二次世界大战期间雷达和火炮随动系统出现以来,在半个多世纪中,随动控制技术及其系统在工业、农业、和国防等各个领域都得到了广泛的应用,随动控制经历了发电机一电动机系统、交磁电机扩大机控制、磁放大器控制、晶闸管控制、集成电路控制、计算机控制的发展过程。 特别是进入二十世纪九十年代以来,随着计算机技术,特别是微控制芯片技术的日益成熟



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