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PAGE 南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业设计 题 目 基于veDYNA的汽车质心侧偏角估计研究 学生姓名 学 号 2008012515 系 部 机电工程系 专 业 车辆工程 班 级指导教师 副教授 二〇一二年六月 基于veDYNA的汽车质心侧偏角估计研究 摘 要 本文介绍了一种利用卡尔曼滤波来估计汽车质心侧偏角的方法。汽车的质心侧偏角是描述车辆运动状态的关键参数,它较全面地表征了汽车运行时的稳定性,因此,大多数汽车稳定性控制系统(如BOSCH的ESP)都把抑制车身质心侧偏角作为控制目标。就目前的发展现状而言,质心侧偏角可以通过昂贵的光纤陀螺仪以直接测得,但考虑经济型原因,通常需要通过估计得到。而本文提出的卡尔曼滤波法结合汽车操纵动力学数学模型在MATLAB/SIMULINK软件中建立二自由度的整车动力学仿真模型,针对不同的使用参数,包括车速、前轮转角和路面摩擦系数,搭建卡尔曼滤波估计器,估计结果说明轮胎的侧偏角和侧偏力之间存在的非线性关系。最后在汽车动力学仿真软件veDYNA下预估横摆角速度、质心侧偏角和车身侧倾角。从最后的评价结果来看,这种方法的性能较为可靠。 关键词:卡尔曼滤波,质心侧偏角估计,veDYNA动力学仿真,SIMULlNK仿真 Estimation of the car sideslip angle based on the veDYNA Abstract This article describes an estimation algorithm of car sideslip angle. Sideslip angle is the key parameters to describe the vehicle dynamic state; it is a comprehensive character of the stability of the vehicle motion. The majority of vehicle stability control system (such as BOSCH ESP) regarded the inhibition of sideslip angle as the main control objective. Currently, the sideslip angle can be acquired with expensive fiber optic gyroscope directly, but considering the economic reasons, this parameter is usually acquired with estimation. We introduce an estimation algorithm using Kalman Filter, combined with a two-degrees-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model in MATLAB/SIMULlNK in this article. With different parameters (including speed, front wheel angle and road conditions), the estimation results show the nonlinear relationship between the tier slip angle and road surface friction coefficient. Then we carried out a simulation experiment in veDYNA, the vehicle dynamics simulation software. From the final evaluation results, the performance of this method is reliable. Key Words:Kalman filter; estimation of sideslip angle; Dynamics simulation of veDYNA; Simulation of SIMULINK 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc326587220 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc326587220 \h i HYPERLINK \l _Toc326587221 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc326587221 \h ii HYPERLINK \l _Toc326



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