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PAGE 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题  目 学生姓名      指导教师       学  院    专业班级 完成时间     2012年5月26日 摘 要 近年来,随着互联网的高速发展,网上的多媒体信息也急剧增加,这些多媒体信息以图像为主。如何从浩瀚的图像数据库中快速、准确地找出所需要的图像,己成为一个备受关注的研究课题。有效地组织、管理和检索大规模的图像数据成为迫切需要解决的问题。于是基于内容的图像检索作为一个崭新的研究领域出现了。 基于内容的图像检索(CBIR, Content-Based Image Retrieval)技术是一种综合集成技术,它通过分析图像的内容,如颜色特征、纹理特征、形状特征等,建立特征索引,并存储在特征库中。用户在查询时,只要把自己对图像的模糊印象描述出来,就可以在大容量图像库中找到想要的图像。在基于内容的图像检索中,颜色特征计算简单、性质稳定,作为图像的一种重要视觉信息,已得到了广泛应用。本文就是研究通过分析图像的颜色特征开发图像检索系统。 本文设计的系统选用Visual Studio开发工具,采用基于颜色直方图的算法,用户选定关键图和图像库,系统对关键图和图像库进行特征提取,并计算关键图与图像库中每幅图片的相似度,最后按指定相似度大小输出检索结果显示给用户。本文的研究和讨论对基于颜色特征的图像检索系统的开发具有一定的参考价值。 关键词 基于内容的图像检索,颜色特征,颜色直方图,相似度 ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, online multimedia information has increased dramatically. Most of these information are images. How to identify images from the vast databases quickly and accurately, has become a hot issue.How to effective recognize, management and searching all these images has been an emergent problem. So content-based image retrieval,has emerged as a new field of study. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR, Content-Based Image Retrieval) technology is a comprehensive integration technology, it analyzes the content of the image, such as color features, texture features, shape features and so on, and then establishes features indexed and stores in the library features. When users make enquiries, they describe the fuzzy impression of the images, then images can be found in the large image library. In the content-based image retrieval, color feature is simple, stable, and it is an important visual information of the image, has been widely used. This article is a study by analyzing the features of the image’s color to develop Image Retrieval System. In this paper, the system based on the color histogram of the algorithm,Visual Studio development tool is adopted.The user selects key image and image library, and then the sys



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