Collede Entrance Examination高考.ppt

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Collede Entrance Examination高考.ppt

College Entrance Examination;Introduction Phenomenon Analysis about the phenomenon Our opinions;;In Asian countries, such as China, Japan ,Korea, the examination has great important status. And in these countres, the examination is always regarded as the turning point in life. Because it may change millions of familieslife, most students and parents risk their life for it. They give up most of the entertainment activities to spend all ther time having classes and doing homework.;On that day...;Parents are waiting outside the examination hall and pray for their kids.;Less than two weeks ahead of Chinas national college entrance examination, or gaokao, which will take place on June 7 and 8, the Ministry of Education has signed contracts with higher education admission commissions of all provinces, regions and municipalities to ensure a fair, transparent national exam across the country.; Hi-tech cheating Winking, making a gesture gesticulate, passing notes, sending messages etc. are out-dated. ; Nowadays, a ruler, pencil, rubber, glasses, and so on can be a murder weapon . ;Other cheating tools: wireless earphones transmitter-receiver sets wireless communication devices;Relevant phenomenon;In Shandong province, 15 college students are hold in custody for they take the college examination for other students .; Parents buy Nike to their kids.They believe that it would bring good luck to their kids for the mark of Nike is same with t ; In other Asian countries :video;How do we regard these phenomenon?;How do we regard these phonemenon?;From all these phenomenon, we can infer that overdue impotance was attached to the College Entrance Examination. As students, they hope to realize their dreams through it, while parents need their children’s excellent achievement to glory their families, and for teachers, it is also of great significance to receive students’ outstanding performances.;Nowadays, However, it seems that Gaokao is not the only path leading to the



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