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2/10/2010 1 旅行敘事與生命故事 :「傳播敘事學」之進階提案 摘要 本文旨在延續本文作者近些年來針對「傳播敘事學」之研究興趣,改以「旅 行敘事」為討論重點,試圖探討 兩者間之關連 ,進而連結「旅行敘事」與敘事理 論之必威体育精装版主題「生命故事」。 旅行書寫一向在文學、人類學、歷史學廣受重視,亦屬文化研究關心議題, 但傳播領域現有相關文獻付之闕如,僅有碩士論文數篇。但從舊時平面媒體之旅 遊報導到稍後 出現之影視旅遊節目,再到正漸風行之社群網站(如部落格、臉書 等)旅遊書寫,皆可觀察到與前不同之撰述形式與故事內容。 傳播研究領域因而亟需 正視這些不斷變遷中之旅遊敘事行為,尤當探析科技 發展如何影響這些敘事行為以致產生 「數位」形式之旅遊說故事方式 (如部落格 書寫),此點正是本文建議探索之方向。 關鍵詞:旅行、書寫、敘事、傳播、生命故事 2/10/2010 2 Travel narrative and lifestory: A further proposal to the study of “Communication and Narrative” Following our recent research interest in “communication and narrative,” this paper aims to study “travel narrative” with following three points in mind. First, it seems important to understand the possible connection between “travel writing” and “communicative narrative.” Second, it is also necessary to combine the topic of “travel narrative” with lifestories, the newest developing sub-theme under the research umbrella of “narratology.” In general, travel writing has been popular in various academic areas such as history, anthropology, Chinese literature; even cultural theories own a long history of searching for different topics relating to traveling. But traveling indeed has been a core communicative behavior in Taiwan and other societies as well. Newspapers/newsmagazines, for example, always provide pages on touring stories; so are traveling programs on television. While blogs became popular in the most recent decade, among the young generations, traveling writings have also played a major role. It is then the purpose of this paper to propose analyze how travel n


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