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基于 摘要:汽车成为很多人不可缺少的交通工具,现在汽车被盗的现象很多,盗贼的手法也层出不穷。为对付不断升级的盗车手段,人们研制出各种方式、各种结构的防盗器,但汽车被盗还是非常严重。基于此现象,本次设计采用以单片机为核心的报警系统该系统主要无线收发一体射频模块nRF24L01。设计低功耗采集电路 关键词:STC89C52温度传感器 RF24L01 Based on the 2.4 G car security alarm system design Abstract: the become a lot of people do not lack of transportation, now the phenomenon of the car was stolen a lot, rogue technique also emerge in endlessly. To deal with the escalating auto theft means, people developed all kinds of ways, all kinds of structure of the devices, but the car was stolen or very serious. Based on this phenomenon, this design USES the single chip microcomputer 8051 to design as the core of guard against theft alarm system, this system mainly use wireless transceiver module, rf one nRF24L01 temperature sensors, SCM, display alarming circuit. The system through the temperature sensor measuring engine surface temperature, then the signal is input to a single-chip microcomputer, SCM according to the test circuit output temperature and the temperature setting than to decide whether starter relay light, from wireless transceiver module launch radio signals, the receiver display shows that the current temperature, and thereby reading if the car was launched, the system of alarm function. Design the low consumption acquisition circuit, this system is easy to use, expand very easy. Key words: STC89C52 temperature sensor nRF24L01 目 录 1.绪论 4 1.1课题的背景与意义 5 1.2系统功能及目的 5 2.方案论证 6 2.1 系统总体方案论证 6 3.元器件选择 7 3.1温度传感器部分 7 3.2 单片机的选择 7 3.3 显示器件的选择 8 4.系统的硬件电路设计 10 4.1系统总体电路设计 10 4.2单片机主控制电路设计 11 4.2.1 STC89C52简介 11 4.2.2 STC89C52引脚说明 12 4.3 LCD显示电路设计 14 4.3.1 字符型液晶显示模块 14 4.3.2 字符型液晶显示模块引脚 15 4.3.3 字符型液晶显示模块内部结构 15 4.4温度传感器DS18B20电路设计 16 4.4.1 DS18B20简介 16 4.4.2 电路设计 18 4.5无线收发模块 18 4.5.1 简介 18 4.5.2 nRF24L01概述 19 4.5.3 引脚功能及描述 19 4.5.4 工作模式 20 4.5.5 工作原理 21 4.6 电源设计电路 21 5.系统软件设计 23 5.1无线发射模块软件设计 23 5.2 接收端软件设计 24 6.总结 26 6.1调试总结 26 6.2心得体会 26 致 谢 28 参考文献 29 附 录 30 1.绪论 1.1课题的背景与意义 近些年来,随着社会经济的发展以及工业发展的突飞猛进,人民生活水平也


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