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PAGE PAGE 1 摘 要 当今,三维物体识别已成为一个很活跃的研究领域,随着科学技术的发展,其应用范围也越来越广泛,特别近年来,图像科学的发展和计算机信息处理能力的增强,为三维重建技术的研究和应用提供了良好的条件。其中,CAD/CAM是计算机图形学在工业界最广泛、最活跃的应用领域,CAD领域是一个非常重要的研究领域就是基于工程图纸的三维形体重建。三维形体重建就是从二维图像中提取三维信息,通过对这些信息进行分类、综合等一系列处理,在三维空间中重新构造出二维信息所对应的三维形体,恢复形体的点、线、面及拓扑关系。 课题研究的核心思想就是基于体视投影原理,实现对空间的定位与测量,主要方法所利用双摄影机来模拟人的双眼,通过左、右两幅二维成像来实现对三维空间点的定位,实现对两点间距离的测量。 要实现这个目标,必须完成的两个工作就是摄像机的标定和对应点的匹配。. 本文对摄像机标定技术进行了全面地研究和总结,通过自行设计的视觉传感器,实现了摄像机内外参数的标定,相比前人研究的标定方法更简捷;空间点在两幅图中成像点的匹配也是课题研究的一个重点和难点所在,文章中提出了一种利用模块匹配和极限约束相结合的复合匹配方法,并通过Matlab软件模拟实现了这个算法。 最后通过实验来对这种方法进行了验证,比较分析了其优缺点,并对今后课题的研究方向提出建议和思路。 关键词:体视投影;摄像机标定;对应点匹配;空间定位;距离测量 Abstract Nowadays the research in three-dimensional objects recognition is very hot. With the development of science and technology, the application range has been wider and wider. Especially in recent years, the development of digital image processing technology and high performance computer coming into being provide favorable conditions for computer vision research and application. thereinto,CAD/CAM is the most abroad and active area that the Computer Graphics has been used,one of the important study fields in CAD is three-dimensional rebuild based on planar engineering-drawing. Three-dimensional rebuild is picking-up three-dimensional information from planar image,and their logical relation. The focus idea of the object that we studide is based on stereo prjection,carrying out the space points’exact position and the distance between them.The main method is using a couple of camera to simulate person’s eyes,by the left and right images to achieve the result of dimensional points’position and distance’s measurement. To achieve this aim ,there are two work,camera calibration and correlated points matching,must be accomplished at first. In this paper, we first introduce the relative knowledge and technique about the theory of camera calibration Using the Vision Sensor that designed by ourselves, we get the inside and outside parameters of the camera we us



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