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* * 名 词 学科网 考点一:可数名词和不可数名词 【经典练习】 单项选择。 1. Look! There’re so many _____ in the field. They look like white clouds. A. horse B. cow C. rabbit D. sheep 2. If you want to get some _____ about the World Expo, you can surf the Internet. A. activity B. picture C. ticket D. information 3. Several ______ are talking under the tree. And their _____ are swimming in the lake. A. woman; children B. woman; child C. women; children D. women; child 4. — I’d like mutton and ______ noodles, Mum. — Well, let’s go to the supermarket to buy some mutton and ______. A. potato; potato B. potato; potatoes C. potatoes; potatoes D. potatos; potatos 5. Would you like some ______ for supper? A. fish and chickens B. fishes and chicken C. fish and chicken D. fishes and chickens 【考点点拨】 名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词,而可数名词又有单复数之分。下面是单数名词变复数的特殊情况: ◆替换元音字母: man→men, woman→women, foot→feet, tooth→teeth ◆单复数同形: fish, Chinese, Japanese, sheep, deer ◆无规则变化: child→children, mouse→mice 有一些名词,加-s或-es后与其原来的意思并 不相同。如: water(水) → waters(水域), fish(鱼)→ fishes(各种鱼) 学科网 考点二:名词作定语 【经典练习】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. We had a big party for the ________ (woman) teachers in our school on March 8th. 2. I am going to the ________ (shoe) store to buy a pair of sports shoes. 3. Those ________ (man) doctors are from the same hospital. 4. The ________ (girl) students are more careful than the ______ (boy) students in our class. 5. There’re many different ________ (sport) meetings around the country every year. women shoe men girl boy sports 【考点点拨】 ◆名词作定语通常用单数形式,但sport作定语常用复数形式。如: three apple trees, a sports star ◆man, woman作定语,其单复数形式应由被修饰的名词决定:当被修饰的名词是单数时,应用单数形式;当被修饰的名词是复数时,应用复数形式。如: a man driver, two women assistants 考点三:不可数名词的量化 【经典练习】 单项选择。 1. I’m hungry. Please give me ________. A. a bread B. some breads C. a piece of bread D. two pieces


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