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沪教牛津版小学四年级英语教学设计 目 录 Unit1 Meeting new people Unit2 Can you swim Unit3 Are you happy Unit4 Do you have any cousins Unit5 My friends Unit6 My parents Unit7 At school Unit8 At the shop Unit9 At home Unit10 Around my home Unit11 Shapes Unit12 Weather Meeting new people 课题 M1U1 Meeting new people 学情分析 学生已经接触了基本的问候打招呼句型,这节课只是复习巩固 教学目标与 考点分析 掌握本课有关数字的新单词,并会默写数字one-sixteen;学会如何用This is ...句型向别人介绍自己的新同学、自己的好朋友;会用can 的句型来介绍自己或别人能做什么事。 教学重点 难点 This is ...句型的运用;情态动词can 的用法 教学方法 情景教学法,讲练结合教学法 一、 教学过程 Warm-up(5 minus) Free talk: 跟学生打招呼,问候,相互熟悉。 Teacher: Hello!I’m ... S1: Hi!I’m ... S2: Hello! I’m ... Who are you? S3: I’m ... 复习数字one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 导入本课数字学 习。 Presentation and Practice(75 minus) 1) 单词:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 拓展单词:classmate one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 2)基本句型:This is ... (介绍用语) 这是、、、 See you. 再见。 - Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 - Nice to see you too. 也很高兴见到你。 基于课本进行讲解。 Part 1: Look and say Good morning, Peter. Good morning, Kitty. This is my sister. Her name is Sally. She’s twelve. And this is my brother. His name is Paul. He’s only six. Hi, Sally. Hi, Paul. My name is Kitty. I’m Peter’s classmate. Hi, Kitty. We are going to the park. Goodbye, Kitty. Part 2: Ask and answer Show a photo of your friend. Then talk about him/ her. This is my friend. His name’s Danny. He’s nine. He can ride a bicycle. This is my friend. Her name’s Tracy. She’s thirteen. She can skip. S: This is my ... His /Her name’s ... He’s/ She’s ... (age) He / She can ... 3)语法: 1. 形容词性物主代词 my, her, his, your 在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。形容词性物


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