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儿童西方文化导读第四册: 目录 1.To My DaughterF.Scott Fitzgerald 2.The Declaration of IndependenceThomas Jefferson 3.On Self-DisciplineAristotle 4.What a Baby CostsEdhar Guest 5.If You WereAuthor Unknown 6.The Character of a Happy LifeHenry Wotton 7.Thinking on FriendshipWilliam Tyler Page 8.The Athenian OathAncient Athens 9.The Americans CreedWlliam Tyler Page 10.The Ten CommandmentsThe Bible 11.The Quality of MercyWilliam Shakespeare 12.Too Dear For The WhistleBenjamin Franklin 13.The Farmer and His SonsAesop 14.The Brave MiceAesop To My Daughter By F . Scott Fitzgerald Things to worry about : Worry about courage Worry about cleanliness Worry about efficiency Worry about horsemanship …… Things not to worry about : Don’t worry about popular opinion Don’t worry about dolls Don’t worry about the past Don’t worry about the future Don’t worry about growing up Don’t worry about anybody getting ahead of you Don’t worry about popular opinion Don’t worry about triumph Don’t worry about failure unless it comes through your own fault Don’t worry about mosquitoes Don’t worry about flies Don’t worry about insects in general Don’t worry about parents Don’t worry about disappointments Don’t worry about pleasures Don’t worry about satisfactions Things to think about : What am I really aiming at ? How good am I in comparison to my contemporaries in regard to : (a) Scholarship (b) Do I really understand about people and am I able to get along with them ? (c) Am I trying to make my body a useful instrument or am I neglecting it ? The Declaration of Independence By Thomas Jefferson When in the course of human events , it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another , and to assume among the Powers of the earth , the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them , a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the sepa


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