外研版必修1Module3 Period Three Grammar.ppt

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外研版必修1Module3 Period Three Grammar.ppt

* * * * Period Three Grammar Find out these sentences from the text. Grammar I 1.Trained camels carried food and other animals. 2. We saw abandoned farms which were more than a hundred years ago. 3.We ate great meals cooked by experts! Which kind of the verbs modify underlined blue nouns? The underlined blue nouns are modified by ________. Past Participle Past Participle can also be used as ___________. adjectives v.+ed 过去分词 traffic jam There were hundreds of drivers in the traffic jam, If you are one of the drivers in the traffic jam, what do you feel ? You must feel ______(厌烦的). bored There were hundreds of ______________(厌烦的司机) in the traffic jam. bored drivers get on the plane There are lots of people getting on the plane. If you are one of the them and this is your first time that you have boarded the plane , what do you feel? You must feel _______(兴奋的). excited There were lots of ______________ (兴奋的人们)getting on the plane. excited people get off the plane There are lots of passengers who make a long and difficult journey (长途跋涉) getting off the plane. If you are one of the them , what do you feel ? You must feel ____________(精疲力尽). exhausted There were lots of ____________________(筋疲力尽的乘客) getting off the plane. exhausted passengers car accident d________ cars(毁坏的车辆) amaged There was a ___________(被毁坏的车)after car accident. damaged car circus ring jump through hoops a trained lion 受过训练的狮子 We can see a __________(受过训练的狮子) jumping through hoops in the circus ring. trained lion bored/excited/exhausted/damaged/ trained can modify ______ ,used as __________ They are ________. nouns adjectives attributes (定语) Past participle used as ________________ attributes (定语) The stolen car was found by the police last week. stolen 单个的过去分词作定语,单个分词位于所修饰的名词前。 He answered all the questions raised by the audience. __________ 过去分词短语作定语通常放在所修饰名词的后面 _______ 要注意过去分词做定语时 动作发生的时间: 过去分词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作_______,表示动作已经___________。


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