新目标九年级Unit 4 Section B-3.ppt

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新目标九年级Unit 4 Section B-3.ppt

1. “used to+不定式”表示过去常常干某事, 现在不再干了。 例如: I used to go to work by bus. She used to be very shy. 4. be (get) used to be used to中的to是个介词,和used to不同。该词组的含义是“习惯于……”。所以to后面不能接动词原形,而要接名词或v-ing形式。 例如: They are used to the hard work here now. 他们现在习惯于这里的艰苦工作了。 I’m used to dealing with matters of this kind. 我习惯于处理这类事情了。 * LOGO Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 2. used to 可用于存在句。 例如: There used to be a cinema here before the war. 战前这儿有一家电影院。 3. 在否定句和附加疑问句中,可以用usedn’t (used not),也可以用didn’t。例如: He usedn’t / didn’t use / used not to smoke. 他过去不抽烟。 He used to live here, didn’t / usedn’t he? 他过去住在这里,不是吗? 3a Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. Then talk with a partner about your changes. Appearance 2. personality 3. hobbies In the past hobbies personality appearance Now short and thin tall long curly hair short straight hair shy outgoing quiet active music dance Talk about the changes. A: Oh, Maria. You have changed so much. You used to be short, didn’t you? B: Yeah, I used to be short and thin. But now I’m tall. A: Did you use to have short hair? B: Yes. I used to have short straight hair. Now I have long curly hair. A: Did you use to be shy? B: Yes. I used to be shy. But now I am outgoing. 3b Write about how you have changed. What did you use to be like? Which change is the most important one, and why? Try to write two paragraphs: General introduction about the changes in your life. The most important change and how it happened. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to _______________________. Now I’m ____________________________. The biggest change in my life was_______. This is the most important change because ____________________________________. How I’ve changed! How I’ve changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like diffe


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