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接龙 * * * Unit 3 Safety Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life! Words helmet sudden wham blood knee bleed sharp n. 头盔;防护帽 n. adj. 突然(的) onom. (突然的重击声) 砰;嘭 n. 血 n. 膝;膝盖;膝关节 v. 流血;失血 adj. 锋利的;锐利的 Words rock stick scary goodness stranger careless n. 碎石;岩石 v. 插入;穿入 adj. 恐怖的;吓人的 n. 善良;美德 n. 陌生人 adj. 粗心的 How do you get to school? Safety Knowledge of Riding Bicycles Are you always careful when you ride your bicycle? Why or why not? P39 1 Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F). 1. She was riding her bicycle when she fell. ( ) 2. Her head hit the ground. ( ) 3. She stood up and shouted for help. ( ) 4. Her friend came to help and drove her to the hospital. ( ) 5. Her bicycle helmet saved her life. ( ) 1. All of a sudden, WHAM! 突然,砰! all of a sudden同suddenly, 都是”突然地;出乎意料地;冷不防“的意思。 We were playing basketball, when suddenly (all of a sudden,) it rained. 我们正在打篮球,这时突然下雨了。 wham在本句是感叹词,意思是“砰;嘭”,还可以用作名词,表示“重击声;重击”;用作动词表“重击;砰砰地打”。 I heard a wham just as I went into the room. 我刚一进屋就听见砰的一声响动。 2. I went down hard on my right side. 我右侧身体着地重重地摔倒了。 go down 倒下;下去;蹲下;下降 The building went down yesterday evening. 昨晚那幢楼房倒塌了。 Can we go down by the lift? 我们能乘电梯下去吗? When will the price of food go down? 食品的价格何时下降呢? 3. I felt so terrible that I lay down again. 我感觉如此糟糕,以至于我又躺下了。 so…that… “如此…….以至于……”。so为副词,后面可接形容词或副词,that为连词,后接结果状语从句。类似的结构为:such…that…,不同的是such后面接名词。 The boy is so young that he can’t go to school now. / He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school. 这个小男孩年龄还小,不能入学。 lie down 躺下 He had to lie down for a while to rest his legs. 他得躺下一会儿让腿休息一下。 Why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for a bit? 你为什么不上楼躺一会儿? 4. As I lay there, I took off my helmet. 当我躺在那儿的时候,我摘掉了头盔。 take off 脱掉;起飞 He came in and took off his coat. 他走了进来,脱掉了大衣。 The planet took off despite the fog. 尽管有雾,飞机仍正常起飞。 5. There was a sharp rock sticking


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