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Religion ----By:谢东红 王 萌 肖安平 Islam (伊斯兰教) Islam was founded in 622 AC by Muhammad the Prophet, in Makkah (also spelled Mecca). Muslims belief that it is the same faith taught by the prophets, Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus. The role of Muhammad as the last prophet(先知) was to formalize and clarify the faith and purify it by removing ideas which were added in error. Multi ethnic country -------India r 2013/9/9 The town of Bong Mozafar Nagar 2002/2/27 The town of Godhra Behind the war The religious problem has seriously affected the economic development of India.India has a population of over 12 hundred million.Relatively speaking, peoples living standard is lower. 5 Effective measures Multi ethnic countries need to implement effective measures to solve the religious problems.Only the religious problems had been solved, the society can get better development. Boko Haram The group Jama’atu Ahlus-Sunnah Lidda’Awati Wal Jihad, known the world over as Boko Haram, is an extremist Islamic sect in Nigeria that has created havoc across the north of the country and in the capital, Abuja. Its violent attacks on government offices, the United Nations, and churches threaten to destabilize the country. Following the failed rescue of hostages Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara in northeastern Nigeria in March 2012, President Goodluck Jonathan played up the connections between the group and international terrorism. However, links between Boko Haram and the kidnappers are questionable. It is difficult to see how there can be meaningful dialogue between the government and the group. The groups cell-like structure is open for factions and splits, and there would be no guarantee that someone speaking for the group is speaking for all of the members. Tactics employed by government security agencies against Boko Haram have


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