建平中学高二英语上半学期Unit2 Continous Learning翻译练习及答案.docVIP

建平中学高二英语上半学期Unit2 Continous Learning翻译练习及答案.doc

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建平中学高二英语上半学期Unit2 Continous Learning翻译练习及答案.doc

英语学得好有助于你找到好工作。(command) 多吃蔬菜和水果对保持健康有帮助。(helpful) 考试作弊者都将受到严惩。(cheat) 在很多方面,注意与他人交流的技巧是非常重要的。(communicate) 关于针对孩子的广告,我觉得它们弊大于利。(regarding) A good command of English helps you to find a good job. Eating more vegetables and fruits is helpful in keeping healthy. Those who cheat in exams will be punished severely. In many ways, it is very important to pay attention to communicating skills. Regarding the advertisements for children, I think they do more harm than good. 据说北大和清华将从上海招更多的学生。(enroll) 他曾经在知名企业工作的经历使他胜任这个新岗位。(qualify) 面对这么复杂的形势,我们必须对自己有充分的信心。(confidence) 我觉得,为了保持健康,你需要提高全方面的体能。(improve) 自从读了这本励志小说,我就一直为自己的的梦想在不断努力。(since) Its said that Beijing University and Qinghua University will enroll more students from Shanghai this year. His work experience in a famous enterprise qualified him for the new post. Faced with / Facing such a complicated situation, we must have full confidence in ourselves. In my opinion, you need to improve your all-round physical ability to keep fit. I have been trying very hard for my dream since I read the inspiring novel. 你确定你要去参加两周后举行的开幕式吗?(attend) 我认为你的建议值得考虑。(regard) 要改善现状,首先你得吸取失败的教训。(improve) 在任何情况下,警察禁止接受任何酬谢。(allow) 在他看来,网上聊天只是浪费时间和金钱。(a waste of) Are you sure you are going to attend the opening ceremony to be held in two weeks? I regard your suggestion as worth considering. To improve the present situation, you have to learn lessons from your failure first. In any case, the police are not allowed to accept any reward. In his opinion, chatting on the Internet is just a waste of time and money. 很遗憾地告诉你,你所持有的护照不能使你享有免费医疗。(qualify) 令人奇怪的是,他对赚钱并不感兴趣。(interest) 有时候,我们不得不对犯下的错误付出高昂的代价。(pay for) 我本来想去参加会议的,但发生了点意外,因此我的助手代替我去了。(instead) 最重要的是你是否已经为将来做好了充分的准备。(whether) I regret to tell you that your passport cant qualify you for free medical treatment. It is strange that he should not be interested in making money. Sometimes, we have to pay a high price for the mistakes we have made. I had wanted to attend the meeting, but something unexpe


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