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2003 年 10 月            高 电 压 技 术         第 29 卷第 10 期    ·7 · XL PE 电缆缺陷尺寸分布对电树枝起始的影响 T he Influence of D istribu tion of D efects Size of XL PE Cab le on R eliab ility of In itiation of E lectrical R esistan t T ree of In su lation 贾 欣, 刘 英, 曹晓珑 (西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点试验室, 西安, 710049) 摘 要 采用强度—应力干涉模型, 计算了缺陷尺寸分布对 是绝缘中的杂质及半导电层上的凸起, 均可用椭球 于交联聚乙烯绝缘耐电树枝起始可靠性的影响, 发现缺陷分 [ 1 ] ( ) 形模拟 见图 1, 2 。设椭球体的尖端曲率半径为 布的均值及标准差对耐电树枝起始可靠性有影响, 而减小缺 陷尺寸分布的标准差可大大提高绝缘耐电树枝起始的可靠 r, 用椭球体长半轴 a 表示其大小, 尖端处的电场用 性。 针—板电极模拟。 Abstract T he perm issible size of the defects in h igh vo ltage XL PE cable insulation could no t show how degree the elec trical trees can no t be initiated. In p ractical p roduction , the diam eter of co re, the insulation th ickness of the cable and the defect size in insulation are no t definite, they all subm it to som e k ind of p robability distribution. T he reliability of electrical resistant trees initiation of the XL PE insulation is calculated tak ing into account of the distribution of the de - . fects size by using the strength stress model T he results 图 1 缺陷形状示意图 图 2 试验所用针电极系统 show that the m ean value and the standard deviation of the XL PE 电缆线芯表面处绝缘承受场强最大, 即 defects distribution effects the reliability, the reduction of E = U r ln


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