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上海高考英语翻译经典句型考点汇编 考点:简单句 具体结构: be accessible to 全市所有的公园都应对市民免费开放。(accessible) All the parks in the city are supposed to/should be accessible to citizens/public for free/nothing. be resistant to 这款手表不防水。(resistant) This kind of watch is not resistant to water. why not 干嘛不去看场电影放松一下自己?(Why) Why not /Why don’t you go to the cinema to relax yourself? 动名词主语 保持身体健康是硬道理。(primary) Maintaining good health/ Maintaining healthy/Keeping in good health/ Keeping healthy is the primary principle. in case of 每月她都会留出一部分钱以备不时之需。(in case) She sets aside some money monthly in case of need. 考点:定语从句 结构:the criticism that 他从来都是毫不犹豫的提出那些他认为对别人有帮助的批评。(hesitate) He never hesitates to make the criticism that he considers helpful to others. 结构:the conclusion that 综上所述,我们可以得出这样一个结论:家庭越幸福,你就会越长寿。(conclusion) From the above/ As has been stated above, we can come to the conclusion that the happier your family is, the longer you will live. 结构:which 1)、据真实故事改编的电影“深海浩劫”(Deepwater Horizon), 以其逼真的特效,吸引了许多观众。(which) Deepwater Horizon, which is based on a true story, has attracted a large audience with its special effects true to life. 2)、消息传来在新西兰发生地震后,中国政府立即租用直升机实施救援,为此国人感到十分自豪。(Word) Word came that the Chinese government rented helicopters to rescue victims /carry out rescue operations immediately after the earthquake hit New Zealand, which made Chinese people very proud. 结构:where 有时我们发现自己处于这样的窘境:即便觉得自己所做的不对,也要勉强为之。( where ) Sometimes we find ourselves in embarrassing situations, where we do certain things even if we feel what we are doing is wrong. 结构:who、whoever 1)、任何为实现梦想而付诸行动的人都应受到尊重。(deserve) Whoever/ Anyone who takes action to realize his dream deserves our respect. 2)、最近上映的这部电影旨在唤起公众对于边防警察的关注,他们冒着生命危险,不惜一切代价捍卫国家尊严。 (concern) The newly released film is meant to arouse the public’s concern about border policemen who risk their lives to defend the dignity of the country at any cost. 考点:状语从句 原因状语从句 这篇文章值得下载,它不仅给读者提供了很多该课程的相关信息,而且还有大量的实用网址。(provide) This article is worth downloadin


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