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? 她转过身,泪流满面。 —— 《简爱》 ? She turned around with tears scalding her cheeks. ? 他吃惊地张大了嘴巴。 —— 孙方友 《女票》 ? He was shocked, his mouth wide open. —— 黄俊雄 ? 这一年到处听到灾荒的消息,人们怀着焦虑和忧郁的心情把粮食大袋背回家。 ——苏童《米》 ? With reports of famine increasing, people carried their rice home feeling at once anxious and melancholy. ? 张居正虽丧妻多年,但还是拥有不少女眷,其中有些还是绝色佳人。 ——黄仁宇《万历十五年》 ? Although Chang Chucheng had been widowed for a number of years, he had apparently maintained a harem of young women, some of them noted beauties . Ray Huang《1587 A year of no significance》 ? 他心中震动非常,紧紧地搂着老太太,眼含热泪,不胜爱怜地抚摸她的胳膊。 ——许行《抻面条》 ? He held her tightly against him as he fondled her arms with tender affection, his heart quivering and loving tears welling up. —— Arenas ? 他们看见一个背被包卷的人像一只惊慌的兔子朝码头奔来,他的脸色惨白,脖子和鼻梁上沾着煤灰的印迹。 苏童《米》 ? They saw him run up to the wharf like a scared rabbit, a bedroll over his back, his face ashen, neck and nose coated with coal dust. H Goldblatt ? 我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开 ? I have a house facing the ocean with flowers blooming in spring. ? 那个人衣冠楚楚,绅士打扮,他坐在沙发上看报纸,嘴里叼着的是一支雪茄。 —— 苏童 《米》P16 ? The other man, looking like a well-dressed member of the landed gentry, was sitting on a sofa, newspaper in hand and a big cigar in his mouth. ? 那家烟管套在一家澡堂内部,进烟管需要从池子那里过。织云看见一些赤条条的男人在蒸气中走来走去。 ? This particular opium den, located in a bathhouse, could only be reached by walking round the indoor pool, where Cloud Weave saw several men walking naked amid the steam. ? 由于高拱被罢官免职,张居正取而代之便理所当然。 —— 黄仁宇 《万历十五年》 ?With Kao Kung dismissed, Changs succession became a matter of course. ? 很长时间里五龙的眼睛躲闪着大小姐织云,他不敢看她薄薄的


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