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2012年第3期 改革与战略 NO.3,2012 第28卷(总第223期) REFORMATIONSTRATEGY (Cumulatively,NO.223) 我国物联网发展中的瓶颈及应对策略分析 程元栋 ,陈巧莲1 2 (1.安徽理工大学经济与管理学院,安徽 淮南 232001;2.安徽理工大学图书馆技术部,安徽 淮南 232001) [摘要] 目前“物联网”正从一个概念逐步进入 “落地”阶段,但是,纵观我国物联网的发展现状与趋势,令人半喜半忧。 物联网行业应用需求广泛,潜在市场规模巨大,政府各部门对发展物联网产业态度积极,这是物联网发展的 “喜”;“忧”的一 面主要表现为在物联网发展初期,存在诸多发展瓶颈因素。文章主要从我国物联网发展中的瓶颈和相应的应对策略进行分析研 究,认为必须突破我国物联网发展瓶颈,推动物联网产业健康发展。 [关键词] 物联网;发展瓶颈;应对策略;产业链;商业模式 [中图分类号] F281 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1002-736X(2012)03-0064-03 TheDevelopmentBottleneckandStrategiesAboutInternetofThingsinChina Cheng Yuandong 1, Chen Qiaolian 2 (1. School of Economics and Management, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, Anhui 232001; 2. The Technology Department of Library, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, Anhui 232001) Abstract:At present, the concept of Internet of Things (IOT) is entering our daily life. However, the current situation of the IOT development in China seems to be a half joy and a half worry. The application needs of IOT industry are extensive, there are a large size of the potential market and the attitude of our government to the IOT industry are positive, these are the joy about the development of IOT. The worry of the IOT industry is that our IOT development is still at the initial stage and there are many development bottleneck factors about IOT. This paper analyzes and researches the development bottleneck and strategies about IOT in China and then puts forward the suggestions for the development of IOT in China. Keywords:internet of things; development bottlenecks; development strategies; industrial chain; business model 物联网 (Internet of Things )指的是 务功能,实现对 “万物”的 “高效、节 将物质的信息传递出去或接收进来,通 将无处不在的末端设备


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