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L57-58 Part one: Words live stay lunch housework usually together arrive night in the morning at night afternoon noon evening Part two: Phrases arrive in stay in live in at at at E.g. Bob lives in Luoyang. We live at Zhenghe Road. She stays at home sometimes. My father stays in Shanghai. Greeting Some questions about L57 It’s 8 o’clock, how do the children go to school every day ? But today, how do they go to school? It’s 10 o’clock, what does Mrs. Sawyer usually do in the morning? But this morning, what is she going to do? It’s 4 o’clock, who usually drinks tea in the living room. It’s 6 o’clock, what do the children usually do? what do the children usually do in this evening? It’s 9 o’clock, what does Mr. Sawyer usually do at night? At the moment, what is he doing? be going to 结构 be going to + v.原 e.g. He is going to the school. She is going to the shops. My father is going to the butcher’s. We are going to learn L57. It’s four o’clock. Period Ⅱ 当句子主语为第三人称单数时,动词要变为单三形式。 规则:1)一般直接加s look-looks 2)以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的,加es do-does watch-watches go-goes 3)以辅音字母+y 结尾的,变y为i,加es; empty-empties fly-flies 以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加S play-plays stay-stays 4)have 变为has Practice:说出下列词的单三形式 rain snow cook listen want wait take fly cry work go drop ask drink come find eat shave catch like type dust write sweep Practice:句型转换 They go to school at 7:00. We like watching TV at 9:00. I empty the basket every day. e.g. He reads English books every day. He doesn’t read English books every day. Does he read English books every day? Who reads English books every day? What does he do every day? 仿照例句练习下列句子: 1.She always makes the bed in the morning. 2.We often eat lunch at noon. 3.He sometimes plays football i



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