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3A Vol . 39 No . 3A 20 11 3 ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA Mar . 20 11 DSmT ( B) 1 1 1 2 李新德 , 杨伟东, 吴雪建 , Jean Dezert ( 1. , 210096; 2. ONERA( The French Aero pace Lab) , 29 Av . de la D ivi ion, Leclerc, Chatillon 92320, France) : DezertSmarandache Theory( DSmT) , , , . , , , , , , , . , . : ; ; ; DezertSmarandache Theory : TP391 : A : ( 2011) 3A03106 A Fast Approximate Reasoning Method in Hierarchical DSmT ( B) 1 1 1 2 LI Xinde , YANG Weidong , WU Xuejian , Jean Dezert ( 1. Key Laboratory of M easurement and Control of CSE ( School of Automation , Southeast Univers ity) , Ministry of Education, N an i ng , Ji angs u 210096, China; 2. ON ERA ( The French A erosp ace Lab) , 29 A v . de l a Division Leclerc , Chatillon 92320, France) Abstract: With the increment of focal element number in di cernment framew ork, the computation amount in D SmT w ill exponentially go up , w hich ha been the bottleneck problem to block the w ide application and development of DSmT. To olve thi problem , in thi paper, on the ba e of further tudying everal key i ue of hierarchical D SmT only w ith ingleton , an exten ion i done to be f it for the ca e that there are ingleton and conflicting focal element w ith a ignment in hyperpow er et imultaneou ly . The conflicting fo cal element are di coupled in term of the proportion of a ignment taken by element involved in it. T hi i


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