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Situation 16 Complaints and Claims   词汇拓展 背景介绍 4. In communication with the customer, we should be positive and polite. It is not wise always to bear in mind the loss we suffered for it will lead to resentment. Instead, you might mention something satisfactory during the cooperation between you and your partner, such as the good quality, reasonable price and prompt delivery, etc. By doing this, the blow of your complaint will be softened and on the other hand, your partner will not feel “losing face”. In turn, he will also deal with your claim with a positive attitude. 4. 与客户沟通时,要抱着良好的心态和礼貌的态度。不要总是想着自己受到了损失而满怀怨怼,不妨多提提双方在以往合作中令人满意的经历。比如对方的质量好、价格公道、发货迅速等。这样做的目的,一方面可以舒缓紧张气氛,另一方面,不会令对方觉得丢面子。反过来,对方也会用一种积极的心态来理赔。 句型归纳 样信欣赏 写作指南 大胆尝试 挑战自我 外贸小贴士 Situation 16 Complaints and Claims   词汇拓展 背景介绍 5. If you don’t receive the results as you expected, consider writing another letter with a firmer tone, or try writing to someone higher up in the chain of command. 5. 如果投诉或索赔没有得到预期的结果,可以考虑以更坚定的语气再写一次信,或者尝试写给行政职位更高的人。 句型归纳 样信欣赏 写作指南 大胆尝试 挑战自我 外贸小贴士 Situation 16 Complaints and Claims   词汇拓展 背景介绍 6. Complaints and claims should be based on facts so that your legitimate rights and interests can be safeguarded. Never take complaints or claims as excuses to cover up your intentions——you don’t want the goods any more or you have found that they can be obtained at lower prices from elsewhere, or you suffered a loss due to a price fall. Neither should you overstate the degree of loss in order to get a huge sum of indemnity. It will be regarded as a dishonest action which may cause much more trouble and meanwhile, the good relations with the customer can not be maintained any more. 6. 投诉和索赔要建立在事实的基础上,合法的权益才能得到保障。不要把投诉和索赔作为借口来掩盖自己另外的一些企图——找到更好的货源了、不想要这批商品了、或者是由于价格下跌而受到损失了;也不要夸大受损程度以期获得巨额赔款。通常这样的行为会被认为是不诚实的行为,从而引起更多麻烦,同时也很难再维持同客户的良好关系。 句型归纳 样信欣赏 写作指南 大胆尝试 挑战自我 外贸小贴士 Situation 16 Complaints and Claims   Translation of the letters Letter 1 你方9月23日的来信已收到,



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